I’ve read many times that if you intend to transition or even spend a fair amount of time out and about as your femme self without pancake make-up and want to finally get rid get rid of your beard with electrolysis then you should start treatment well before your 24/7 objective.
Failing with laser and not tough enough to do persistent plucking, I’ve started an electrolysis course. It’s early days but so far I’m encouraged by the results. Nowhere near as painful as some say. Quite rapid return to normal afterwards, 48-36 hours.
In theory this exercise will take 150 hours of treatment to remove my beard permanently. I could do perhaps 3 hours worth a week if I was really determined. That means 12 months.
However the stubble is the issue. I need to have two days growth of stubble before presenting myself to the electrologist and she insists on my leaving the treated area alone for two days after treatment before shaving. Therefore I am stuck with a beard for at least four days each session. This is a major disruption to my social life.
So to all of you contemplating this step my message is,”Don’t delay”. The longer you leave it the more disruptive it will be to your new life-style.