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TgR Wall Forums Transgender Radio Admin… Suspended digests to yohoo email accounts

  • Suspended digests to yohoo email accounts

    Posted by Adrian on 08/12/2019 at 10:03 pm

    I was greeted this morning with 48 bounced emails in my inbox.

    Error: “421 4.7.0 [XXX] Messages from temporarily deferred due to user complaints –” when sending email to Yahoo

    Thank you once again to the TgR member whoever you may be who has complained to yahoo that the digest emails are spam. As a result yahoo has suspended the web site from sending emails to yahoo emails, This classic example of self-centered block-head behaviour not only denies others from receiving the digests – but also incidentally blocks emails being sent from the other websites who share the same mail server with us.

    If I knew who had perpetrated this anti-social act I would name and shame them… but I don’t.

    Perhaps the other 40+ members who want their digests could email yahoo telling them that is not the source of spam….

    otherwise we just wait…and wait….and it will fix itself….eventually

    Adrian replied 5 years, 2 months ago 4 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Fay

    09/12/2019 at 12:08 am

    Morning Adrian.

    Very selfish! Please advise the correct yahoo address to register my complaint and I will send it off pronto.



  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    09/12/2019 at 9:46 am

    A temporary solution perhaps would be to set a new email address by editing your profile

    Of course depends on whether you regard that alternative email as secure enough for yourself.

  • Adrian

    09/12/2019 at 10:02 am

    I wouldn’t recommend doing anything (other than perhaps complaining to Yahoo). This happens every couple of years and as the message says it is only temporary. If our server doesn’t make it into the Bad Boy lists of problem servers Yahoo will quietly drop the ban. hang in there – you can always log in and read the new forum posts and your messages directly!

  • Adrian

    12/12/2019 at 7:25 am

    Has anyone on yahoo email received a digest yet? I’ve stopped getting bounce messages today.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    12/12/2019 at 9:42 am

    I havnt recvd any new digests for a few days.
    I was thinking of resetting my profile email to a gmail one.
    perhaps I’ll wait a while

  • Adrian

    14/12/2019 at 10:56 am

    I have started to get a few bounces again. Probably because if there is nothing new on the website or you visit every day then no digests sent out. But tonight a couple of bounces show the yahoo block is still in place.

    This is the mail system at host

    I’m sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
    be delivered to one or more recipients. It’s attached below.

    For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.

    If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
    delete your own text from the attached returned message.

    The mail system

    : host[] said: 421
    4.7.0 [TSS04] Messages from temporarily deferred due to user
    complaints –; see (in reply to MAIL FROM

    : host[] said: 421
    4.7.0 [TSS04] Messages from temporarily deferred due to user
    complaints –; see (in reply to MAIL FROM

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    15/12/2019 at 8:52 am

    Time to set an alternative email address I think.

  • Adrian

    15/12/2019 at 10:45 am
    Caroline wrote:
    Time to set an alternative email address I think.

    Or perhaps write to yahoo and complain….
    I can’t do anything as Yahoo doesn’t listen to the owners of websites it suspects as being spam.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    29/12/2019 at 2:41 am

    Mm I seem to not be getting them and I am on a gmail address….

  • Adrian

    29/12/2019 at 11:24 am
    TinaMartini wrote:
    Mm I seem to not be getting them and I am on a gmail address….

    There are no problems I can see with gmail – no bounces. If you don’t have a digest perhaps it is because you have logged on and read any posts on the website. If you are up to date on line then you don’t get a digest.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    29/12/2019 at 7:51 pm

    I’m now receiving on my yahoo account.

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