Hi Scylla, I go to the Taylor Square Medical Centre, recommended there by the Gender Centre, so does my friend Georgie. Georgie goes to Cathy Pell and I go to Emmanuel Vlahakos. Only these two specialise in TG clients. Both of us are comfortable with the service. On my first visit Dr E put me on anti-androgens and referred me to a psych. On the second post psych visit he shifted me to stronger anti-androgens and started me on E. I’ll never forget the huge grin he had when I first turned up en femme and he yelled “Carol” across the waiting room. He gave me scripts for “male name (Carol) surname”. First time Carol has been on an official form. The receptionists are scrupulous about the right name and pronouns. It really is a comfortable environment. Their main business is LGBT and so other clients are also relaxed. It’s a pain to travel as far as I do from the NSW South Coast and you will have to from Newcastle but worth it.