Testosterone, blockers and estrogen
TgR is not a medical forum and any comments you may read in TgR forums are only the opinions of the member posting. You should not assume that a posting on TgR implies any verification or independent review and whilst the advice is honestly offered it is made without knowledge of your particular medical conditions. You should always seek professional medical advice before taking any action that might affect your health.Hi all, I am just starting the process of transitioning and am struggling to find the info I want online. When I say I am just starting, I mean just. I have had an initial appointment with my GP and had my bloods done the other day. I have the next appointment with the GP later this week where I am told we/he will put together a health care plan, then its off to the psych next week.
I am 50 and have always known that I need to transition but have been in denial until very recently, Now the flood gates have opened with a brighter future ahead of me. I thought I had some understanding of what was infront of me but the more I read the more questions I have. I expect that the GP or an Endo will be able to answer these questions but thought I would try to have as much information as possible as I walk this road.
On top of all of this I start a new job in a fortnight. It is within the public service here in Canberra so I expect (re: hope) that they have policies and procedures in place to deal with someone transitioning in a sympathetic and understanding manner.
While part of me is busting to start HRT I feel that I need to take a slow and measured approach to this until I have at least started the new job. In reality I should wait until I have been there a few months, or completed the 6 month probationary period.
Please don’t take this the wrong way as I understand this journey is different for everyone and I don’t want to offend with questions about what are very personal issues but…
As I want to start the HRT process, but do not want to grow breasts just yet (while they will take time to develop they will be a bit of a give away to my new employer). I was thinking about starting on anti androgens soon then and starting estrogen at a later date (in approximately 4-6 months). I was hoping that this approach would allow for some softening of the skin, reduction in pore size and reduction in the oiliness of my skin. I believe the anti androgens are likely to cause oesteperosis but I am not sure what other risks there are of taking these without estrogen, or whether I understand the benefits properly.
The other thing I was curious about is it appears everyone takes anti adrogens but I am struggling to find any info on removing the testes. I understand this is highly personal, but for me I have no desire to have kids now or in the future, and my sex life has never been great and is currently non existent. To me it looks like a simpler solution to remove them than to go on the anti androgens, but again I am not sure what the down side to taking this approach is. At this point in time I have no plans/desires for SRS so any shrinkage of the sack would not be an issue as the extra skin won’t be required.
Sorry, I know these are more statements than questions but any info that can be shared would be greatly appreciated.