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Thats life magazine 3 jan 2012 page 12
Posted by Anonymous on 18/01/2012 at 3:39 amDads a woman now but i still love him.
A story about a transgender perth woman named Claire Elise.
Becomes close to her daughter again after years of separation / fear about coming out.
So sweet.Unknown Member replied 13 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 2 Replies -
2 Replies
I’m guessing but I did a google search on
“Claire Elise Perth”what it came up with is
[/url]If so the article is about Claire9 the co-ordinator of the Chameleon Society and a long time member of TgR.
Sadly the comments about the article, many from our community, have been less positive in their message.
The article for your reference:
Quote:PERSECUTION, depression and suicide are the tragic facts of life for many transgender people.For most people, it is almost impossible to imagine what it might feel like to look in the mirror and see a body staring back at you that isn’t yours. It is perhaps even more difficult to imagine feeling so uncomfortable in your own skin that you would describe your mind as trapped and screaming to get out.
Most of us never have to question one of our most fundamental aspects – our gender.
But for Claire Elise Manchesi-MacLennan and other transgender people in Australia, it’s something they face on a daily basis.
“You get out of the shower and you try not to look. It’s just ugliness,” Claire says with a shudder.
She says she feels disgusted when she sees her male body and doesn’t feel like a man. She says she is a woman trapped in a male’s body.
“It’s an ache, a desire, to really be who you feel you should be,” she explains. “You fool yourself with different tricks all your life to try and make yourself feel comfortable, but you can’t because it’s not right.”
Claire says that cross-dressing is a necessary form of self-expression in her daily life – a desire that cannot be stemmed without causing great stress. “Can you imagine having to dress like a man but feeling inside that you are a woman and not being able to express yourself?” she says.
Transgender is an issue that’s hard for the wider society to comprehend, which is why today’s Transgender Day of Rembrance brings some of the more tragic issues to the fore.
“People just see us as being effeminate,” Claire says. “What they don’t realise is that we’ve always been transgender – it’s something that happens at birth and not something that you acquire. It’s nature.”
Life is remarkably different for a transgender person. They will often have a strong desire to cross-dress while having no understanding of why they feel this way, creating enormous conflict as they try to conform to society’s expectations of them as men. Claire explains that many male-to-female transsexuals and cross-dressers are not attracted to males.
“I’ve always been attracted to females and because I had the guy stuff, I made love as a normal male,” she says. “But now I know why I’ve never felt right because I’ve never really been male inside.”
Claire, who works as a taxi driver, is now in her early 60s but only began living as a woman (“my true self”) three years ago. She now is the co-ordinator of a support group, the Chameleon Society, which offers support to cross-dressers and transgender people. It was established in the 1970s to bring like-minded people together in an environment where they felt free to be themselves without fear of being judged or ridiculed.
It helps people who are struggling to come to terms with themselves and who may be suffering from depression. It also supports family and friends of transgender people.
It is a struggle that Claire can relate to all too well. She says she has spent her entire life learning to accept herself. She has been married twice and has three biological children and four stepchildren. Both marriages have broken down because of her cross-dressing and gender conflicts.
It was after the breakdown of her first marriage 35 years ago that her then wife discovered the Chameleon Society and suggested that Claire call them.
“Unfortunately my first marriage did not survive the cross-dressing and having lost the first major love of my life, I was as bitter as all hell, guilt-ridden and hurting,” Claire says.
“And, as classically it happens, I told myself to pull up my bootstraps and be a man. I cut my hair, threw out any feminine material and chased girls for seven years.”
Claire concedes that this period of her life would have been much better spent finding herself rather than giving in to what she believed she had to present to society. However, she laments the break-up of her marriages.
“A few marriages survive, but not many. It’s difficult for the partner but it’s difficult for us too. I can see both sides. It’s not just the sex thing – it’s about having someone you can relate to,” she says.
Claire’s transgender has also been a lesson in acceptance for her children – learnt by some, rejected by others. Claire’s eldest daughter, Nerelle, who is now 40, says she learnt about her father’s cross-dressing when she was 14 and was incredulous about his secret life.
When her parents’ marriage broke down, she became estranged from her father for 18 years. Now she accepts and supports Claire, though she says she still yearns for her dad as he was.
“It’s like a death but they’re still there,” Nerelle says. “But I look into his eyes and I still see my dad. The bond you have and the memories you share can never be phased out with nail polish or lipstick or dresses.” Claire also maintains a loving relationship with her stepson, Kolby, his ex-wife and his children.
Claire’s close friend and colleague at the Chameleon Society, Rosalind, is still married to the woman she wed 15 years ago. She says the marriage is a strong and loving union, but she admits there are some difficult challenges.
Rosalind’s wife has known about her partner’s transgender since they first met, but she still struggles to accept the cross-dressing. She doesn’t like friends and family to know and won’t be seen in public with Rosalind if she is dressed as a female.
“If we want to go out shopping or for a meal, I have to be male for her. I do it because I love her so much, but I just don’t feel like myself when I have to do this. It feels false,” she says.
Rosalind, who lives as a female in the privacy of her own home, says that it’s not unusual for family and friends of transgender people to have an issue with being recognised.
Rosalind was born in England in the 1950s and spent her childhood as a self-confessed freak, grappling with the confusions of identity while dealing with bullying and ridicule from other children. Even though her stepfather forced her to dress as a boy, she says her transgender has always been apparent to her.
“It was the first thing I was aware of,” Rosalind says. “I remember being three years old banging my head against the wall and cursing God. I can always remember having this trouble.”
Rosalind, now in her 50s, says she spent years moving house in an attempt to run away from herself and the reality of her life.
“You really don’t feel like you belong in the world,” she says, adding there is a misconception in society that transgender people have a choice. “You always think that you have a choice but you don’t. It’s very hard for somebody who is non-transgender to understand this.”
It is hardly surprising that these individuals, who struggle so fiercely with themselves, should also face other challenges. Discrimination runs deep and affects many facets of their lives, including employment, housing, health care and social services.
Rosalind’s psychologist, Debra Roberts, has seen it up close.
“Discrimination based on their gender identity is hard enough, but they are also subjected to public humiliation and ridicule,” she says. “They get kicked out of their homes or are denied housing because of their transgender status. There is chronic unemployment and they are often denied accommodation and entry to restaurants and public toilets.”
Roberts says that history is partly to blame for society’s attitudes towards transgenders.
“If you look at the way transgender individuals are talked about in popular culture, academia and the sciences, they are made out to be freaks,” she says.
Rosalind believes that there has not been enough research done into what causes transgender to occur. “We really need the stigma removed. It’s about people understanding and just accepting. And that’s not just for us – that goes for any minority group,” she says.
Roberts believes that understanding and acceptance is beginning to evolve in Australia.
“Dr Vivienne Cass said recently that transgender is the new gay – and it is. They are going through the same bigotry that gay men and women went through 30 years ago,” she says.
“Transgenders are feeling more comfortable to come out. Places like the Chameleon Society afford them the opportunity to meet with others where they are not ridiculed or judged.”
Both Rosalind and Claire believe self-acceptance is the key to finding balance, and dressing as females makes them feel normal.
“I realised very quickly that I need to embrace myself and stop trying to live a lie designed to appease society,” Claire says.
She says she would have gender reassignment surgery “as soon as possible” were it not for the difficult social situations that have arisen through her transition. “You have been playing a part your whole life so how do you suddenly not play that part anymore?” she says.
However, since separating from her second wife three years ago, Claire has been taking female hormones and has grown her hair long. She has also legally changed her name.
“Denying yourself and lying to yourself, you can’t be fine. I just want to be the woman I think I should have been,” she says.
Rosalind says cross-dressing is usually the first thing people notice, but it’s not the real issue.
“It’s actually about being yourself and being accepted as yourself,” she says. “And it’s about not feeling singled out and, as a female, the dressing actually helps us to fit in. That’s what makes you feel a part of society.”
Says Roberts: “If you’d had a lifetime of being abused and ridiculed and bullied – not just from the public but also from family – it takes a long time to work through all that baggage.
“To watch someone go from being bullied and having no self-esteem and feeling like a mistake to a happy, integrated person is amazing.”
But Claire and Rosalind could be considered among the lucky ones. Others are not so fortunate. Suicide is not uncommon. Roberts says that a Curtin University study conducted in 2007 revealed transgender people had the highest incidence of suicide of any group.
“Living a lie is hell. It will eventually drive you to the brink,” Rosalind says. “You do it because it’s what society expects you to do, but you don’t come to terms with it. It will depress you.”
It’s this spiral that Claire says now drives her work with the Chameleon Society, to educate and inform the community about transgender people and to support those who are going through the difficult journey.
“I do this so that others may not have the same troubles we’ve had,” she says.
Adds Rosalind: “Being transgender has taught me a lot about life – how to overcome obstacles, to care more for others and to appreciate the diversity of the human race.”
But it is perhaps Claire’s daughter, Nerelle, who puts it the best. “There was always an awkwardness with my dad. Now I know it was because he didn’t feel comfortable in his own skin. I don’t see that as much anymore,” she says. “She’d do anything for anyone. She’s a good person and that’s all that matters. At least she has found herself now.”
“I am who I am,” Claire says firmly.
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