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TgR Wall Forums Gender Diversity in Australia Surveys The 2011 TgR Survey

  • The 2011 TgR Survey

    Posted by Adrian on 15/10/2011 at 11:18 pm

    After a month or so of review and beta testing the 2011 TgR Survey went live today

    Every TgR member should have received a personal invitation to participate in the survey.

    This survey marks a very important stage in the development of TgR.
    And a big first for the gender diverse community down-under.

    Our large active membership now makes it possible to take a snapshot of the gender diverse population in Australia and New Zealand.
    The importance of this survey in both validating our individual journeys, and also informing society at large should not be underestimated!

    The specific aims of the survey are to better understand the diversity of our gender diverse community , increase awareness of our community’s needs, and identify significant issues of concern.

    But for the survey to be of value we do need everyone to share their views and experiences.

    And that means hearing from YOU!

    The survey is strictly anonymous, with randomised keys being offered only to the 700+ validated members of TgR. We cannot match your survey responses with your TgR profile.

    So look out for your personalised invitation to participate.
    And be part of this significant event!
    If you have any questions try looking at the FAQ post in this forum.
    If that doesn’t help then email with your question.

    I also want to take this opportunity to formally thank the many members who have assisted in the development of this survey, through suggestions in the forums, reviewing questions, and testing the actual survey.

    Adrian replied 12 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Adrian

    30/10/2011 at 10:14 am

    After three weeks we have reached a fantastic 50% response rate on the survey.

    A big thank you to everyone who has participated making this probably the largest survey ever made of gender diverse Australia and New Zealand.

    The survey will be closing next Sunday evening… that is November 6th.

    So if you have missed out so far on adding your views and experiences to this great snapshot of our community, then please don’t delay any longer.

  • Adrian

    06/11/2011 at 11:48 am

    The 2001 TgR survey is now closed.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in this unique snapshot of our community.

    The final survey has 423 responses… a result that everyone should be proud of.

  • Adrian

    27/03/2012 at 8:28 am

    You are warmly invited to attend the launch of a major report into the Gender Diverse community in Australia.

    TransGender Radio (TgR) is the largest active transgender group in the southern hemisphere. Since its launch on-line in 1997 it has steadly grown, both in numbers and also in the scope of its activities.
    These activities include the annual TransFormal weekend held in Katoomba in May.

    In November last year we conducted a comprehensive survey of our membership and received over 400 responses. This was possibly the largest survey of gender diversity that has ever been conducted in Australia. And the results provide an interesting snap-shot of the aspirations, problems, health, and life style of the gender diverse.

    We asked our members about:

    Their true gender identity
    How they express it in their life
    How they became aware they were gender diverse, and who else knows
    Gender diversity in their family
    Medicine or surgery they have used to address their gender diversity
    Their opinions and views about the gender diverse community
    Their relationship with their GP
    Any negative experiences in the last year as a result of being gender diverse
    Their dreams for the future

    The responses we received are valuable because:

    The relatively large number of responses (423)
    The survey population had previously been screened to ensure they were gender diverse.
    The survey was anonymous and voluntary

    We were surprised by many of the answers we received.
    And we invite you to share this illuminating insight into our community
    The survey report Transgender Australia 2011 will be presented on Saturday 19th May.
    in The Library, The Carrington Hotel, Katoomba, NSW at 10:30 am

    For a map of this location go here:

    To assist in organising this event we do ask that everyone pre-registers on our web site.

    Registration is FREE.
    Please go to

    And register following the instructions on the web page
    If you encounter any difficulties registering please email for assistance.

    The survey presentation forms part of the 2012 TransFormal but it is not necessary to attend the entire weekend.
    There will however be other activities on the Saturday culminating in a formal dinner/dance.
    If you are interested in learning more about TransFormal and possibly purchasing a ticket
    then read about it here:

    I look forward to seeing you in Katoomba!


  • Adrian

    30/05/2012 at 10:26 am

    After many months of editing and review, the 2001 Survey report is now released on our web site.

    It can be downloaded from

    Once again can I thank all those who contributed to the survey, in the design, in responding, or in the analysis.

    I feel the resulting report is an achievement we can all be truly proud of.