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TgR Wall Forums Gender Diversity in Australia Surveys The 2011 TgR Survey FAQ

  • The 2011 TgR Survey FAQ

    Posted by Adrian on 15/10/2011 at 11:27 pm

    Do I need an invitation to participate in the survey
    Because the survey is anonymous you need a personal token to participate.
    The token has been sent to you by email.

    I haven’t got an invitation to participate in the survey

    Invitation emails were sent to every current member of TgR. A few emails will have bounced, but the vast majority will have been delivered.
    If you can’t see your invitation in your inbox then have a good look in your spam/junk mail folder.
    If you want the invitation resent then please send an email (from the email address you use for TgR) to with the subject heading “RESEND INVITATION”.

    I joined TgR after the survey was launched can I still participate?
    We will try to send invitations to new members right up to the survey closing date. But if you feel you have slipped through the net then send an email to requesting an invitation.

    I have a friend who wants to participate in the survey. Can I give her my invitation?
    The invitation is only good for one response.
    If a non-TgR member wants to participate, there is only one solution.
    They should join TgR!!!

    How long will the survey be open for?
    As this is our first survey of this type we don’t know how long it will take the majority of members to find the opportunity to participate.
    At the moment we envisage leaving the survey open till mid-November 2011, but this may be subject to review when we see how the responses roll in.

    I don’t want to participate. can you stop sending me reminders please?
    At the bottom of each reminder email you will find a link to indicate that you don’t wish to participate. If you click on that link then you will not receive any more reminders.

    Adrian replied 13 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Adrian

    17/10/2011 at 7:21 am

    Who are you kidding – the survey can’t really be anonymous

    If the survey is anonymous how do you know who has and hasn’t completed it?

    LimeSurvey is a clever tool… you have to admit it!

    First, every TgR member was allocated a random token.

    You need your token to get to the first page of the survey – without a token you can’t generate any results.

    Now, the survey engine tracks if you have used the token to open the survey. And Big Brother also tracks if you finish the survey (get to the last page) and marks your token as “used”.

    But in between, when you are answering the questions, the survey engine just writes away your answers into a free space in the results table.
    There is no connection between where your answers are stored, and the token you used originally to access the survey – trust me!

    When you finish the survey, your answers are marked as complete, but once again no mention of the token in the results table.
    Nor are any dates/times recorded … so there is no way of matching the results back to the time a token was used.

    So, even with access to both database tables (as I have) I can’t match the answers with token use.

    Now you have to admit… that is clever!

  • Adrian

    22/10/2011 at 1:04 am

    Can I go back and correct my answers

    At the bottom of each page of the survey there is a Next button – I presume everyone finds this – otherwise you would be stuck for ever on the first page.

    But to the left of the Next button there is a button marked Previous.

    If you click on this you can go back and review your answers on previous pages. You won’t loose any of the answer you have entered so far by going back and forwards in the survey.

    After the survey has been finished you cannot edit your responses.