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  • The Female brain and logic (or lack of…)

    Posted by Anonymous on 16/11/2013 at 4:18 am

    Or why, just sometimes, I am grateful I have a male brain.

    The person I live with (female) broke the on/off button on her computer monitor yesterday. She called apon my alter ego to fix it as she always does with anything she breaks or can’t get to work. (In another life I was quite good at fixing CRT monitors but the new LCD/LED monitors are difficult to get into.)

    So my quick fix solution was to buy a new 23” monitor which we duly did and installed with minimum of fuss. Happy end of story or so I thought…

    Her: I can’t see the text like I could on the old one.

    Me: Try adjusting the brightness or contrast

    Her: How?

    Me: The buttons on the front.

    Her: Which one? The buttons have no labels on this cheap monitor. (It wasn’t cheap)

    Me: Hmmm, maybe you should read the manual.

    Her: There isn’t one, only this CD.

    Me: It will be on that then.

    We bring up the manual from the CD and discover that the adjustments are menu driven with the dialog box positioned over the buttons so the buttons could have multiple functions, hence no labels.

    Her: How do you make adjustments?

    Me: Follow the instructions in dialog box and press the appropriate buttons.

    Her: Oh!

    I was determined I wasn’t going to do it for her as the instructions were all laid out in black and white in a logical fashion.

    Is this what happens when you get excess oestrogen in your brain? As much as I wish I suffered this problem I don’t know how I would cope with not being able to logically work through a problem to a solution.

    I think I would sit down, get a tissue from my handbag and have a good cry and may be a cup of tea too…



    Anonymous replied 11 years, 2 months ago 4 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • JeniSkunk

    16/11/2013 at 4:41 am

    I find myself in agreement with the person that you live with, Pamela.
    There should be some clearly labeled buttons on the front of such a monitor, so the user would at least be able to see which button to press to call up the settings menu.

    I also understand your annoyance at someone who has gotten a new electronic device, and has not bothered to put the effort into reading the quick start guide and the manual first, to read and learn which buttons do what.

    Jenifur Charne

  • Anonymous

    16/11/2013 at 10:41 am

    Personally, I would start by pressing buttons at random to see what happened! I’d only go to the manual if I couldn’t figure it out myself.

  • Anonymous

    16/11/2013 at 10:47 am


    I believe the well known acronym for such situations is


    R is for read
    T is for The
    F, is for….blank
    M is for manual…

    And I,m as bad as anyone else for not doing so..


  • bee

    16/11/2013 at 8:12 pm

    I think NOT reading a manual for devices is not gender specific. When my friends ask for help, I firstly ask them “Did you read the manual?” – I usually just get a blank stare in return.

    I feel consumers seem to think there is no need to learn how to use their new device. Often things are simplified enough so that works MOST of the time. But to enjoy all the possible features of the product a read of the manual can help.

    But when there are issues its often easier to ask a friend than ‘OMG having to find and read a manual’ *smiles*.

    Manufactures don’t help with there often not being a printed manual, only an electronic one – and in this case if the monitor is not working – how can you read the manual??

    I think the Original subject title of this thread could be another topic of debate *smiles*

  • Anonymous

    17/11/2013 at 1:35 am

    I see male female abilities as an overlapping set of complementary skills.

    The important word is complementary, neither one is better than the other but when both are included all problems can be solved.

    remember your Venn diagram from school days

    A bit of both, male and female thinking is best to cope with the range of problems.
    That is why a child is best brought up with mother and a father.

    Either one can but it is best with both.


  • Anonymous

    18/11/2013 at 6:25 am

    Hi ,

    Not all of us are like that im a female and you know what why some women dont get things is because many men were taught how to do things women were banned from doing things as such ,

    there came’ a time when we learnt the how to. we dont all get it and nore do men , i know men who can not will not ever do some of the things iv done and i out rank them they know it and ask me to fix or do , so dont put us down because of some of us just happen to not understand some details ,

    I have told many 1000’s of people whom im in contact with im useless on computers , yet theres other things i can do ,

    Ether we compliment each other on what we can do or run us down because we cant, its not a matter of being female or male we are just different thats all.


  • Adrian

    18/11/2013 at 7:05 am

    This thread is posted in “Fun Stuff” – but has wandered from being funny.
    Its an unmoderated forum so I just let it be… but am curious to where the joke is. Perhaps someone could publish the punch line?

    Bemused (not moderating) moderator!

  • Anonymous

    18/11/2013 at 10:52 am

    Hi Amanda,

    I couldn’t agree more. It is nothing but my light hearted and hopefully humorous observations on a recent domestic conversation where my partially male brain was coming to grips with the learned helplessness of a totally female one.

    The punch line(s) is the 1st and 2nd. I hope this helps with people understanding the frustration I experienced at the time…
    Cheers to all

  • Jennifer_1

    18/11/2013 at 9:48 pm

    I always thought that the Instruction Manual was there as a last resort,”” If all else fails – read the directions.”



  • Anonymous

    20/11/2013 at 11:11 pm

    Hi well im guilty of never reading manuals, I usually play with device till I fix it or f##k it ! Usually fixing, but in your partners defence since being on estrogen my problem solving has diminished somewhat, along with my navigation skills whilst driving ! Strange how can such skills be impaired by a hormone I don’t know. Im still experiencing LOTS of new emotions and thought patterns.Also I think GG always have the safety net of the damsel in distress or girl card ,and in most cases utilize a man thus male brain for problem solving .Through no fault of their own, I don’t think women due to upbringing get the opportunity to develop such skills same can be said for my makeup skills and other things, I am still refining/learning sure would have been easier with a few tips as a child. Defined gender roles definitely practice I don’t personally agree with.
    Scylla xxx