The Female brain and logic (or lack of…)
Or why, just sometimes, I am grateful I have a male brain.
The person I live with (female) broke the on/off button on her computer monitor yesterday. She called apon my alter ego to fix it as she always does with anything she breaks or can’t get to work. (In another life I was quite good at fixing CRT monitors but the new LCD/LED monitors are difficult to get into.)
So my quick fix solution was to buy a new 23” monitor which we duly did and installed with minimum of fuss. Happy end of story or so I thought…
Her: I can’t see the text like I could on the old one.
Me: Try adjusting the brightness or contrast
Her: How?
Me: The buttons on the front.
Her: Which one? The buttons have no labels on this cheap monitor. (It wasn’t cheap)
Me: Hmmm, maybe you should read the manual.
Her: There isn’t one, only this CD.
Me: It will be on that then.
We bring up the manual from the CD and discover that the adjustments are menu driven with the dialog box positioned over the buttons so the buttons could have multiple functions, hence no labels.
Her: How do you make adjustments?
Me: Follow the instructions in dialog box and press the appropriate buttons.
Her: Oh!
I was determined I wasn’t going to do it for her as the instructions were all laid out in black and white in a logical fashion.
Is this what happens when you get excess oestrogen in your brain? As much as I wish I suffered this problem I don’t know how I would cope with not being able to logically work through a problem to a solution.
I think I would sit down, get a tissue from my handbag and have a good cry and may be a cup of tea too…