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  • The Gender Variant Phenomenon- Notes on Gender role transition

    Posted by Anonymous on 31/03/2016 at 1:27 pm

    A friend sent me this link to an article that I thought may be of interest.

    In general I do not like medical type articles discussing crossdressing. The labels that the medical profession want to apply are not always helpful. This article does see that “Gender Identity Disorder” may not be a good description but suggests “Gender Expression Deprivation Anxiety Disorder” instead, which may be an improvement but is still a disorder.

    The article is very pro transitioning.

    What maybe of particular interest is the papers discussion on what it sees as five distinct developmental stages 1/ Childhood, 2/ Adolescence 3/ Early Adulthood, 4/ Middle Age, and 5/ Old Age. I could identify with many of the feeling the author associates with each stage. I felt the author was writing about something I have navigated and are still navigating.

    Anonymous replied 8 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Carol

    01/04/2016 at 2:59 am

    Thanks Sara. I read this article without great hopes. I’ve read enough “expert” rubbish in my time. Like you though, I found my own life illuminated by a remarkably understanding author.

  • Anonymous

    02/04/2016 at 5:06 am

    Thank you for posting this link. I have read it with interest and it contains examples of my own experiences and regrets.

  • Juliette

    03/04/2016 at 2:23 am

    Good article – thanks for posting.

  • Anonymous

    03/04/2016 at 4:54 am

    Thanks also from me – though I suspect that the clumsy and overly extended term ‘Gender Expression Deprivation Anxiety Disorder’ does suggest a need for reconsideration of terminology, even without moving away from the ever present danger of medics pathologising human variety?! GEDAD?!- gadzooks!
    The approach of looking at the different stages of human development is indeed helpful to me also – and there are certainly features which resonate strongly with me. There are also some striking personal examples which throw up again the social construction issues. As the author repeatedly makes clear, the social constraints on gender variant females 9as assigned at birth) are distinctly different – albeit with the accompanying massive challenges of sexism!

  • Juliette

    03/04/2016 at 7:18 am

    LOL Josephine – Medicos can’t help themselves with acronyms and pathologising. Worse than IT folks. For me the article puts words to what was in my head.

  • Elizabeth

    05/04/2016 at 7:44 am

    I read this article some years ago and totally agreed with description and findings. Following on from middle age to the more senior years, the article to me was a method of tracking as what I could expect to present itself in the future years. I have reach those future years (and beyond) and the writings still hold true. I do become cranky with idiots, there appears to be so many of them, I do become resentful of those who have transitioned and are enjoying the fruits of the surgery. I do become resentful of myself constantly having to live up to my male persona.
    On the other hand I am glad that I have found the strength to carry on as though nothing is amiss in an attempt to comply with my families of choice. Both families know of my challenges around gender dysphoria and my lifelong battle to retain some sense of normality and sound mental health. I have lost battles but in the end I think I shall win the war.

  • Anonymous

    07/04/2016 at 4:14 am

    I agree with all the comments above. I note with interest this article in its original form is nearly 15 years old! It takes a long time for information to disseminate to society in general.