The subversive marriage of Janet Rice and Penny Whetton
The following article about Greens senator Janet Rice and her wife Penny Whetton first appeared on the ABC news attributed to Eliad Clure and more recently reworked by Stephanie Peatling in the SMH.
It is good to see the discussion about Same-sex marriage embracing the unusual situation that many who are married to someone identifying as transgender find themselves in. Penny Whetton and Janet Rice are one of the few(?) same-sex couples in Australia in a legally binding marriage. Penny has changed the gender marker on all documents except for her birth certificate. To change her birth certificate she would have to be single.
I thought the comments by Janet Rice on what it meant to their relationship when Penny transitioned were valuable.
Quote:“We went from being a stock standard, normal married couple to knowing society doesn’t trust our relationship.”Quote:“There’s knowing the bigotry is still out there and having to censor yourself. You never think about holding hands when you’re a heterosexual couple. You realise there’s still homophobia, transphobia, in the community. When you’re a heterosexual couple people never judge your relationshipQuote:“We used to kiss in public. But over the last 13 years we have self-censored ourselves. We generally don’t hold hands in public.