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TgR Wall Forums Exploring Gender Gender in Society The things organisations do to annoy us – please let me know!

  • The things organisations do to annoy us – please let me know!

    Posted by Adrian on 28/07/2016 at 12:55 am

    I’m seeking the help of the TgR community with a little project I have in mind….

    As businesses become more aware of the existence of transgender customers, so there is a growing need to help their employees relate appropriately to us.
    So I am planning to create some on-line corporate transgender awareness training material to assist in this transition.

    Think big corporate organisations that are customer facing – Telcos, banks, airlines, department stores… and of course those government departments that struggle with change at the best of times.

    In your interactions with these organisations how do they rub you up the wrong way – what annoys you about the way they sometimes relate to you?

    My two pet peeves that I would want to address in the training are:
    a) The “How can I help you sir” from the concierge when I’m presenting ambiguously.
    b) The on-line form that insists that you tick a box Mr or Mrs.

    What other annoying things have you experienced? Together let’s change the world!

    Try and keep your answers to one sentence please…for the purpose of creating the training material I don’t need entire stories.

    Deleted User replied 8 years, 6 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Melissa

    28/07/2016 at 9:05 am

    My request would be to make it easier to change your name on various records without having to confirm out loud in front of people yes that (male name) is really me

  • Anonymous

    28/07/2016 at 2:23 pm

    Dressed feminine and shopping at a well-known department store and having collected several dresses, skirts and blouses to try on. Reach the fitting rooms, men left and women right, ask if I can try on the clothes and the reply is “Yes you can … ah … to the left.” I understand so I will never object or make a fuss and just accept this as a fact of life. The silly part is I would not be interested in any partially dressed female … now men on the other hand!

    Another is completing forms and the gender section has Male (I don’t think as a male); Female (I have not had, nor likely to have, SRS). Now where is TG/TS or Other “Please state”. And recently looking for make-up at common Chemist chain that has a name and a colour. I look to the assistant for help – the assistant looked for someone else to help, helped her and then looked very hard for someone else to help.

    All the above sound like a BWM so I would like to say a number of shops and businesses are fantastic and I have had great service from (this might be edited out but) Wax It, Payless Shoes, Dotti and Target just to name four.

  • Anonymous

    28/07/2016 at 2:53 pm

    1. When buying clothes (female) at a department store and while looking through some of the racks the sales lady says you are in the wrong section!

  • Carol

    28/07/2016 at 7:40 pm

    The chemists who insist on cross-examining me about my symptoms in a loud voice in a public area before filling my prescription for anti-androgens.

  • Alison_2

    28/07/2016 at 9:50 pm

    i hate my male name being called when they know I am sitting there as a woman and they have my female name on paper in front of them. Tired of the same old excuse – we have to use your legal name.

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    29/07/2016 at 6:31 am

    My Top 3 Peeves
    1. Customer Service Persons who address you as Sir even though you are obviously presenting yourself as Female by type of clothing ,hair make up etc.

    2. The Change Room Assistant who , when you happen to be in male mode and headed towards the change rooms M side with an item or two of Female Clothing, says to you “Do you realise they are Items for Women”!!

    3, All the Forms in existence that only have two boxes to tick Male or Female

  • Anonymous

    29/07/2016 at 10:50 am

    i just write Transgender Female and cross out the Male option. No trouble yet

  • Anonymous

    29/07/2016 at 10:56 am

    ive gone as far as calling a store eg Tempt. explaining im Transgender and in that case I was asked… what time will you be in what size, when i arrived they had reserved a change room and selected clothes for me to try. If a store doesnt respect me I never return.. Its their loss

  • Anonymous

    30/07/2016 at 2:35 am

    May be a bit iff topic.
    If i am trying on womans clothing, does not matter where im directed, i go to ladies dressing rooms and i ignore the sales addistant, no compants and it had worked for me.

    Wrong name, i dont take afence, i tell them my preferred name, i dont care who hears.

    Chemist, i have local chemist whom i have asked all staff, you can call me joanne if you feel comfortable. They all call me joanne now