The things organisations do to annoy us – please let me know!
I’m seeking the help of the TgR community with a little project I have in mind….
As businesses become more aware of the existence of transgender customers, so there is a growing need to help their employees relate appropriately to us.
So I am planning to create some on-line corporate transgender awareness training material to assist in this transition.Think big corporate organisations that are customer facing – Telcos, banks, airlines, department stores… and of course those government departments that struggle with change at the best of times.
In your interactions with these organisations how do they rub you up the wrong way – what annoys you about the way they sometimes relate to you?
My two pet peeves that I would want to address in the training are:
a) The “How can I help you sir” from the concierge when I’m presenting ambiguously.
b) The on-line form that insists that you tick a box Mr or Mrs.What other annoying things have you experienced? Together let’s change the world!
Try and keep your answers to one sentence please…for the purpose of creating the training material I don’t need entire stories.