“The TV Man’s Van”-“The Saga Continues”!!!!!
Hi to all on TGR,
So it seems we’ve all had a bit of fun with this one and that’s great, cos life is too short not to have a good laugh now and again.
But just like the old “steak knife ads”, “YET THERE IS MORE”.
In the last few days I have noticed the “TV Van Man” has changed quite a few of his off highway signs** to “ALL ELECTRICAL WORK DONE”.
Now is this just a coincidence or has all the “free publicity” on TGR led to a “change in his advertising strategy”
Could he indeed, be “one of us” and has been inadvertanly “sprung bad”.????
Again a “Sweet Mystery of Life”.
*** I love how this fella has most of his big signs mounted on old trailers and sitting in behind the highway fence line on private farming properties.
Can just imagine how “rent is paid in liquid assets”!.
In the area where I live also must reside a tradesman who by the advertising on his van specialises in all manner of up to date “home entertainment”.
His business name on his Van is “The TV Guy”.
That got my very warped sense of humour going.
Now just what does he carry in that Van??.
Is in fact his 2 core “cable” a camisole with dual straps?, ( I have one it is lovely). Are his “bus bars” really bus BRAS and are any of his “switches” able to be attached to a wig or another hairpiece??
And are there more than ladders on the top of his van and just as likely to be in his stockings.??
And given how many of us are compelled to dress in private, does this indeed…, make him a “home entertainment specialist”?
We will never know, cos as sure as God made” little green panty thongs” I aint gunna ask. :cheer:
See pic attached
Happy dressing