Been debating with myself where to post this decided to follow it on this one..
The news of this (about Laura) has pretty much done to me, what I would assume she intended it to do for some (as in being so public with her announcement). Would be to inspire people. Well it has me, I’ve been at war with myself to where/how I want to go with my inner feelings for many many yr’s and more so recently.
And Laura’s recent announcement has pretty well much given me the proverbial kick up the ‘a’.. Over the last week I have come out to some close friends with my intention to in the future under go transition ( they have been, much to my surprise, absolutely awesome about it ) Also have set the goal for when I see my brother in a few weeks time to tell him, this for me will be my ultimate hurdle..
Much love to Laura for doing this not only for herself but for the many like myself she has inspired..
AM! – Bamboo Bones – ‘…What God doesn’t give to you. You have to go get for yourself.’