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TgR Wall Forums Gender Diversity in Australia Diverse Australia Towards a world without titles

  • Towards a world without titles

    Posted by Adrian on 19/07/2022 at 5:45 pm

    I’m opening this thread to highlight instances where businesses insist on a title (Mr, Mrs) being supplied (or worse still they assume a title based on your gender). I run into this frequently, because although I am legally female gender I don’t feel comfortable adopting a title – I like to be addressed just as Adrian.

    Elizabeth replied 2 years, 7 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Adrian

    19/07/2022 at 5:55 pm

    First up – a recent experience applying for car insurance with APIA (yes I’m getting old).

    I found that the application form on APIA’s web site wouldn’t let me take out a policy without specifying a title. So I wrote to them

    Adrian wrote:

    I have a new car on order (expected mid Sep) and am evaluating who to ensure it with. I got a comprehensive quote from APIA that looks like the one I would choose. BUT it appears that when I want to purchase the cover (not just yet) the web form insists that I select a title (like MRS). I am a transwoman and don’t want any title…neither Mr nor Mrs.
    Worse still, you even insist I have a title just to send you this enquiry about insisting on a title! This is something you do need to fix up please.

    Now I don’t want to be forced to have a title on the new car insurance policy…I am just Adrian Barnes. And I don’t want to loose any discount for applying on line… so how can I apply online without selecting a title?

    I got a prompt reply back…

    APIA wrote:

    Hi Adrian,
    Thank you for taking the time to write to us about your concerns.

    I can confirm that we’re unable to remove the title completely as our policies require to have a title listed. We apologise for the inconvenience caused here.

    Take care.
    We would love to hear your thoughts on your experience today, click here to tell us about it!

    Kind Regards,


    Goes without saying that I clicked ‘here’ and gave them feedback on their lame excuse.

    And I thought it deserved an ‘educational’ reply.

    Adrian replied:

    Hi Jess,

    In these times I find it incredible that a title is somehow needed to take out an APIA insurance policy. I can’t see how in any way it adds to the information you justifiably need to have on the policy holder. I suspect this is just something that has always been ‘this way” and no one has challenged why.

    If you feel it appropriate to escalate the issue you should perhaps note that misgendering people doesn’t cause inconvenience or concerns. It causes offense.

    Obviously I won’t be taking out the APIA car insurance I was looking at, and I’ll be moving my house insurance to another insurer who displays more sensitivity towards their policy holders.

    Adrian (she/her)

    Once again a quick reply came back….

    APIA (Felicity) wrote:

    Hi Adrian,

    Thanks for getting back in touch.

    We’re sorry to hear that you’ve decided not to insure with APIA on this occasion.

    To shed some light in our process, our premiums are based on the specific information provided, including, the sex, age and driving history of the driver/s.

    For further information please see page 1 and 2 of the link below:

    Please don’t hesitate to get back in touch should you require any further assistance.

    Have a great day.

    We would love to hear your thoughts on your experience today, click here to tell us about it!

    Kind Regards,


    I resisted the temptation to give them more feedback. But instead sent this email:

    Adrian replied:

    Thanks for the quick response but you should realise how far off the mark the system you are defending is.

    Firstly asking for a Title does not in any way tell you the sex of the applicant (or their age or driving history). Think for instance about Dr. or Rev. It tells you if a female is married – but honestly what right have you to pry into that? Which is why I don’t use a Title.

    Then if you look at the application form you ask what the applicant’s gender is. That doesn’t tell you anything about the applicants natal sex (and why should it – any more than you should be able to ask if someone is intersex).

    The document you linked for me clearly says you need to know gender (not sex) and makes no mention that Title is a significant piece of information affecting insurance decisions.

    For the record, my gender is female (on my passport), I have no title. I guess you are still maintaining that makes me impossible to insure.

    📯 Adrian (she/her)

    Not sure if I expect a reply now…..

  • Christinem

    20/07/2022 at 3:35 pm

    Hi Adrian,good on you for that educational discussion with them,if the sales person was any good they would have escalated this up the chain,hopefully they did and a meaningful discussion was had -it takes a long time for the clockwork of industry to work but I think eventually they will catch up with the times.

  • Tanya_Sparkle

    20/07/2022 at 5:31 pm

    This is clearly an institutional thing and the systems they are using still have a basis from decades ago. Unfortunately many companies don’t see the need to change things like this as they consider the impact minimal. However, as Adrian rightly points out, it does cause offence. Unless Apia hierarchy ( or their reinsurers as there are only four in Australia I believe) consider it important it will always be assigned to the don’t give a crap basket, hence the automated responses. Sad but true for too many

  • Elizabeth

    24/07/2022 at 5:05 am

    Hi Adrian,

    I cannot for the life me understand any necessity for including titles, or they just nosey?

    I’ve struggled for a long time on this issue, although not legal, I’m educating the uneducated to address me as Ms; it’s the nearest for which I’m comfortable with. Of course the issue is, why? Unlikely things will change, although you’ve made a wonderful start Adrian. Is this an issue the media will follow in their constant excrement thrown at the alphabet people. Elizabeth