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  • Tragic loss to our community.

    Posted by Anonymous on 16/01/2008 at 11:25 pm

    It is with sadness I must pass this sad news on. Zoe Belle, co-ordinator of the Transdestinations Program at this years Midsumma took her own life on Tuesday. Zoe was an inspirational figure within our community and worked tirelessly, conscientiously and unselfishly for us all. She will be missed by so many people. Funeral details are not available yet, but a public commemoration service is being organised. Any one that feels desperate or depressed and they need to talk to someone please contact the Also Switchboard (03) 9827 8544 or outside Melbourne 1800 184 527 or the VAC on 1800 134 840 or 9865 6700.

    Anonymous replied 16 years, 11 months ago 0 Member · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Anonymous

    19/01/2008 at 12:26 pm

    Hi there I just want you to know it is sad to lose one of our members Its not a good way to go but life has its way of softning the blow sas you have said zoe did A lot of thing for you girls ,but I have been through deprerssion I know whatb its like Its hard to say you can get over it but it an’t I still have taplets I hope I have this right but look on the brite side as you have said zoe did a lot for you & Look at the happy things on the bright side of life & feel sorry for her family its had to come to crip with aloss thats all I can say love from mary_sue XX :(

  • Anonymous

    07/02/2008 at 12:56 am

    That is sad news, depression is such an insidious disease, before you know it you are in it’s clutches and the terrible thing is that you can only see one way out of your situation. Zoe seemed to be in that group.
    I hope others pay heed and can seek help.