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  • Tranny Convention

    Posted by Anonymous on 01/06/2005 at 12:08 pm

    I think it is high time we girls who moan about not enough get togethers in our own home states plan a big get together…a bit like the Scout’s Jamboree, except with nice hotels and lots of fun and dancing and appropriate beverages!(So I guess it’s not like the Scouts at all lol)

    What does everyone thinnk?

    Wendy_3 replied 19 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Anonymous

    01/06/2005 at 2:49 pm

    Sounds great. If it’s going to all be on the same day/night in hotels then what about possibly setting up web cams in each room for live broadcasting to each others party. I saw something similar done a few years back between a Perth and a Melbourne nightclub for a new years event, it worked quite well. Just a thought….

  • Anonymous

    01/06/2005 at 4:04 pm

    Hi Emma,
    My ideas exactly, if you would remember I actually posted something like this a while bk, that each State takes turns in hosting a big get together once a year, thumbs up for me girl.
    While you are thinking of nice clothes and jewelery he is a genuine offer from if you register and you are the winning bidder ( up to $25us ) you actually get the whole amount off your first item. Just copy and paste this link into your browser if you cant just click on it.
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    I will just wait for a plane ticket and vouchers from you Emma if the first convention is out of state 🙄
    Or I could bring you a case of red in return 😉

  • Anonymous

    02/06/2005 at 11:31 am

    Sorry Emma, but I was in the “Boy Scouts” and thats all we ever did Sining and Dancing and no I did’nt forget the ‘g’. or maybe it was the Girl Guides I was in LOL
    Luv and kisses

  • Anonymous

    03/06/2005 at 5:52 am

    I think Alicia and Jenny are on the right track here ladies!
    I like the idea of booking out a hotel and web-camming everyones room (THAT could be interesting lol) PLUS satellite groups having their own ‘do’s ‘ around the country simultaneously maybe over a weekend so as to give anyone a chance to logon and check it all out and participate! Sounds fantastic fun to me and I’m sure it does to a lot of you reading all this now.
    I am happy to jump in as one of the coordinators for this. The worst I can see happening is a lot of us make new chums. I’m a great one for plonking labels on things so here’s a couple of name proposals for our little event to kick things off:
    The Magic Circle (I loved that show,sorry all)
    Big Girls Ring
    I’ll send you an e-mail in the next few days Jenny but if anyone wants to contribute an idea send it on. Emma xxxxxxx

  • Anonymous

    06/06/2005 at 12:05 am

    I’ve sounded out a few girls I know on the net and there is a LOT of interest in this. I agree with proceeding slowly so we can make sure all goes well.
    I’m off work for a couple of months so I can devote some time to this…expect an e-mail shortly jenny xxx

  • Wendy_3

    30/06/2005 at 12:18 am


    This is a topic very close to my heart.
    I think it is about time we had a Transgender Convention and I am in the process of drawing up a plan for a 4 day convention in Sydney in Y2006. The idea is that the convention will be an avenue to meet, learn and have fun.

    Once this broad plan has been drawn I intend to canvass the idea with various parties in Sydney to see what level of support the idea will receive and then hopefully to State associations.

    We need to lift our profile and that way the general public may become more understanding and accepting of us rather than associating us with the images presented in some media outlets (i.e. Jerry Springer).


