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  • Trans breast screening

    Posted by Anonymous on 20/07/2012 at 9:37 pm

    Hi everyone,
    This week I was referred for my first breast screen with Breast Screen Qld. I was wondering what experiences others have had with these sort of services.

    Anonymous replied 12 years, 5 months ago 0 Member · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Anonymous

    08/08/2012 at 5:18 am

    I have never thought of breast cancer/screening as a TG issue.The fact that you brought up the issue makes it relevent.Was aware of breast cancer in Het males (rare).I am surprised that no other has responded to this post.Your post has made us aware of another aspect of TG health.TYxN

  • Anonymous

    08/08/2012 at 6:37 am


    A little different for trans people or women who have had breast augumention,

    You let them know before going youv had breasts implants so they can allow more time ./ & dont let the press come down to hard as you could do damage to the forms rupture, its a take care more time & dont allow your breasts to be flatened as like a normal woman, breast tissue is okay forms are not so & it can give you some pain after depends or where the forms are placed in your body under or over your muscle,


  • Anonymous

    08/08/2012 at 7:45 pm

    In addition to Noeleena’s comments..

    More men are killed every year through breast cancer than women (since screening started)… Whilst breast cancer is not as common in men as women it is nearly always fatal as men to not check their breasts like women do, so it is usually found way too late to treat. Anyone with breasts, male, female, man-boobs (or not) can get breast cancer.



  • Anonymous

    09/08/2012 at 9:31 am

    Hi girls,

    Thanks for your replys. Actually I went for my breast screen today. The procedure was comfortable. They were all so very nice to me.
    However today after they had taken their pictures they said I may need to go for an ultra sound now.

    In July when I agreed to go in they were keen for me to have a screen because of the high dose of hormones I am on.

    Talking about males and breast cancer, my uncle Max had to have a mastectomy, but it had already spread. They bought him 12 months with radical surgery.
    (post script, 17/9/12 all went well, no concerns – staff are wonderful)

  • Anonymous

    12/08/2012 at 8:38 pm

    Hi folks

    The AIHW reports that “The number of men diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia increased from 62 in 1982 to 103 in 2007” and there were 26 male deaths from breast cancer in 2007 (compared to 2680 female deaths) – of course we don’t know how they would classify trans women.

    UK research shows that men who carry the BRCA2 gene, a hereditary gene mutation that puts women at increased risk for breast and ovarian cancer, have a one in 15 chance of developing breast cancer by age 70. They are also at increased risk of developing prostate cancer.

    So as well as having screening for breast cancer, I hope those of you with a prostate continue to get screening for prostate cancer too. Yucky, I know, but you need to take good care of your precious selves and stick around on this planet as long as possible – we need you!

    lots of love
