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TgR Wall Forums Media-Watch Transgender Media Trans couple meet at support group

  • Sinndy

    18/11/2012 at 3:12 am

    What a beautiful story I cried and cried and cried…. how wonderful it is that these two gorgeous kids found at such a young age who they really are and have had the opportunity to do something positive and feel so natural about it all.
    And to find and help each other in their journey is extraordinary. I truly hope all goes well for them.

    It was very touching in the video where Katie stated she was not crying for herself but for other young people like her who are going through the struggle of not really knowing or understanding who they are (I still go through that even at my ripe old age) and are to afraid to mention it in fear of ridicule.

    Kids like these and their understanding and accepting parents are the bright shining lights that may just one day help society embrace transgender individuals and our community.


  • Anonymous

    29/11/2012 at 2:19 pm

    Sinndy, you pretty much nailed all the emotions I had from reading the story and watching their video. =)

    Katie and Arin have such an inspiring story – it’s like something from a fairytale, especially the anonymous donation. It is also good that they have their family’s support.

    Thanks for the link, Stevie!


  • Anonymous

    29/11/2012 at 8:37 pm

    My partner and I also met at a T support group. It feels very natural to me as well. I only wish I had met her earlier in life as I am the happiest I have been in my life.
    Generally, my family is supportive, but for one member of the family, she is confused. She has no problems with me as transgender, is supportive but struggles to some degree to my being a gay woman. But then, it even surprised me as I did not plan it, it simply evolved from a good friendship.
    What is really great is that my partner’s church heirarchy have no problems supporting us.