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  • Transgender discrimination at an Illinois school

    Posted by Marian on 18/10/2012 at 10:36 am

    Hi Girls

    Have a read of this article in the LGBTQ Nation News today about a school in the U.S. being forced to rescind a transgender policy it had only just introduced.

    And check out the statement below made by the antagonists of the policy. Very scary stuff in my view . We have a ways to go yet: as they say.

    “Apparently, all that’s needed for school personnel to be compelled to participate in a fiction is for a student to pretend ‘consistently’ at school that he or she is the opposite sex. The school board is now imposing non-objective, ‘progressive’ moral, philosophical, and political beliefs—not facts—about gender confusion on the entire school.

    “This feckless school board has made a decision to accommodate, not the needs of gender-confused teens, but their disordered desires and the desires of gender/sexuality anarchists who exploit public education for their perverse ends.”

    Anonymous replied 12 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Brenda

    20/10/2012 at 8:32 am

    what bothers me about this, if it relates to the same story I read, is that the entire school board must resign if they back down` on their policy, AND there is a 10 day cooling off period on the policy to boot!!

  • Marian

    23/10/2012 at 1:39 pm

    Hi Brenda

    The Aurora school board backed down on the 19th October and rescinded their policy: a win for the extremists who said that that transgender individuals “suffer” from a “mental and moral disorder.”

    The Illinois Family Institute who demanded this back flip also referred to transgenders as “disordered,” no less.

    The only saving grace was the comment in the article from the American Psychiatric Association wherein they sated that “there is nothing inherently unhealthy about being transgender, and that the appropriate treatment for youth with gender dysphoria is to support them in expressing their gender identity – which is just what this policy helps parents and teachers do.”

    Hard to believe that such discrimination would be tolerated in a society which claims to be a proponent for universal rights. America has a long way to go yet. As does the transgender community in terms of rights, and recognition.



  • Anonymous

    23/10/2012 at 6:16 pm

    No doubt the Illinois Family Institute would have likely quoted passages from the Bible. What do you expect from a society who fears God, yet a shootup occurs almost weekly, gives us the Ku Klux Klan and backs a clown like Mitt Romney in the Prsedential race, mainly because the serving President happens to be Negro. America may be thebiggest and most powerfull, …but Australia is by far the best country on Earth, Amen.