Transgender Today – The New York Times describes the challenge in the US
I have posted the link to this media article here as it speaks to the current challenges of being transgender in the USA.
From the New York Times opinion pages
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/04/opinion/the-quest-for-transgender-equality.html?smid=fb-share&_r=2The Quest for Transgender Equality
Quote:generation ago, transgender Americans were widely regarded as deviants, unfit for dignified workplaces, a disgrace for families. Those who confided in relatives were, by and large, pitied and shunned. For most, transitioning on the job was tantamount to career suicide. Medical procedures to align a person’s body with that person’s gender identity — an internal sense of being male, female or something else — were a fringe specialty, available only to a few who paid out of pocket.Coming out meant going through life as a pariah.
Being transgender today remains unreasonably and unnecessarily hard. But it is far from hopeless……