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  • U.K. Trans woman wants drag acts banned from Pride festival

    Posted by Anonymous on 22/06/2011 at 10:19 am

    A transgender woman in Calderdale is calling for the area’s Pride festival to ban drag acts or publish a disclaimer about them.

    Rose White, 64, claims that drag acts promote negative stereotypes about trans people and encourage hatred, the Halifax Courier reports.

    In a letter to Pride organisers, she wrote: “Drag queens – homosexuals dressed as women – and drag kings, women dressed as men, performing as stereotypical crossdressers promote, foster and reinforce the belief among the audience that any bloke in a frock must be a homosexual.

    “The council needs to prevent anything that reinforces out-of-date stereotyping.

    “If these people are allowed to perform in the town in the Pride, they must have a prominent sign stating ‘We are homosexual men – not transexuals’.

    Pride organisers brushed off Ms White’s complaint, saying that ‘disclaimers’ would be a violation of privacy.

    Organiser Matt Gosridge responded: “We wouldn’t ever want to attempt to restrict or control in any way the people that attend the event. Calderdale Pride is all about inclusivity and freedom of expression.”

    by Jessica Geen
    21 June 2011, 2:01pm
    hundred and

    Anonymous replied 13 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Anonymous

    22/06/2011 at 11:47 am

    I wonder what she would think of the two transwomen I know that like to perform as drag kings……….yes, they are lesbian too, so also gay :-)

  • Anonymous

    22/06/2011 at 10:05 pm

    she makes a good point. No where are we more discrimated against than in the gay scene.

    But on the other side of the coin i really like drag queens and so does the general public. In fact i think drag queens are the only thing that non-gays can like about homosexuality. Bloody gays lol.

  • Anonymous

    23/06/2011 at 12:55 am

    Unfortunately I think that the TG woman who complained has made much the same mistake as those she accuses. In my experience a drag queen in a parade can be either a gay man, a TG or a hetero man or woman who just likes to frock up big time. I don’t do it often but there’s bound to be a time when I’ll want to strap on some fruit salad and promenade somewhere while looking like Carman Miranda. She’s right in saying that some of the great un-washed see all TGs as drag queens, but does that justify denying a TG the right to dress up as a drag queen (or king for that matter)?

  • Anonymous

    24/06/2011 at 1:52 am

    Although my ex wife has never seen me dressed, she still thinks that when I am dressed as “Karly” which is about 95% of the time, that I dress like a drag queen. Even before we separated due to me being TG, she had never seen me dressed, she imagines that we all go out looking like a movie set of “Pricilla”. My point being, there are a lot of people who assume that all Tgirls are drag queens as they don’t look beyond the end of their nose. I love the performances and shows that a lot of drag queens do as they are so entertaining and quite often the best part of a night out.

  • Anonymous

    24/06/2011 at 9:35 am

    Isn’t it amazing how some people who want tolerance and acceptance for their own brand of individuality also wish to stop others from expressing themselves in their own way.

    It is everywhere in this world and we should not be surprised to see it.

  • Anonymous

    24/06/2011 at 1:15 pm

    If you read the comments on the article in pink news you will find them pretty scathing….I think she’s the only person that thinks this lol. Which begs the question how one transwoman’s opinion hit’s the news like that. Perhaps I should call 6o minutes and spread my wisdom :-)

  • Anonymous

    25/06/2011 at 7:52 am
    they are so entertaining and quite often the best part of a night out.

    so true. I like it when they do dance songs. I don’t like it when they do other types.

  • Sara_Capital

    25/06/2011 at 12:20 pm
    she makes a good point. No where are we more discrimated against than in the gay scene.

    But on the other side of the coin i really like drag queens and so does the general public. In fact i think drag queens are the only thing that non-gays can like about homosexuality. Bloody gays lol.

    Seriously? I find drag queens as boring as bat shit. I think they have bugger all to do with the crossdressing scene and a great deal to do with the gay scene- circa 1975. Most of my genetic female friends are massively relieved to discover that I feel as they do about drag queens ie. that they’re a tedious, unoriginal and insulting to women waste of space and time- and that they shouldn’t feel obliged to burst into totally affected squealing joy when somebody with a godawful pun of a name bursts onto the stage to do some tryhard lip-synch to some instantly forgettable or ancient and deservably forgettable ditty which leaves those subject to it completely underwhelmed but sadly obliged to halfheartedly applaud anyway! That’s just my opinion, happy for it to be shot down by others.

  • Anonymous

    25/06/2011 at 9:09 pm
    she makes a good point. No where are we more discrimated against than in the gay scene.

    But on the other side of the coin i really like drag queens and so does the general public. In fact i think drag queens are the only thing that non-gays can like about homosexuality. Bloody gays lol.

    Seriously? I find drag queens as boring as bat shit. I think they have bugger all to do with the crossdressing scene and a great deal to do with the gay scene- circa 1975. Most of my genetic female friends are massively relieved to discover that I feel as they do about drag queens

    So how do your genetic friends feel about humouring gay men in their presence? I’m sure your ‘friends’ feel the same about you as they feel about drag queens. If they feel obliged to affect enthusiasm when they see a drag queen maybe they feel obliged to humour you as well.

    My post was more about drag queens being more amendable to normal people than your average gay. comparitably speaking.

  • Anonymous

    26/06/2011 at 8:00 am

    Ah, the sickly sweet smell of intolerance yet again!!! It appears that my earlier post was spot on??!!

    How does the life and expression of total strangers cause so much angst for other people? Drag what .. live and let live I say. As with television, if ya don’t like it ..don’t watch it..simple!!

  • Anonymous

    27/06/2011 at 12:39 am
    Ah, the sickly sweet smell of intolerance yet again!!! It appears that my earlier post was spot on??!!

    How does the life and expression of total strangers cause so much angst for other people? Drag what .. live and let live I say. As with television, if ya don’t like it ..don’t watch it..simple!!

    Then why post here? Why have an opinion? Why not let people be intolerent of others?Why be intolerent of intolerence? Why even get up in the morning? It’s attitudes like this that make me wish the nazi’s won the war and put all of us in a gas chamber. It’d be worth it to see you stop saying tolerence as the gas turned on.

  • Anonymous

    29/06/2011 at 8:04 am

    I am a bit slow but I just caught the Sin Bin version of the reply to my earlier post , I was completely oblivious to the Nazi slur ( SS Death’s Head squadron…skull on the cap, black uniform , riding crop, luger and riding there’s DRAG for ya!!)

    A bit of a loose connection to my intolerance complaint perhaps as well as misreading my intentions, it was to Sara C that I directed it but I can see why others complained about it, I did not ,just for the record.