Victorian Election – dont vote for bigots!
Voters in the upcoming Victorian elections may choose to ensure that their votes do not end up with the Australian Christians (http://australianchristians.com.au)
One of their candidates, Paul Reid, from Berwick, is on record in the local press saying his thing is the nation’s moral decline.
His particular focus is the Safe Schools Coalition, a program in primary and secondary schools to tackle bullying.
Quote:“On the face of it, that’s a good idea but the major point of all that is to promote the gay, lesbian and bisexual lifestyle. It’s encouraging cross dressing and the use of toilets of the wrong gender, which they call part of the self-discovery of whether your natural gender is what your heart wants to be.“I’m not against having gay and lesbian friends but such folk, as nice as they are, only constitute 1.6 per cent of the population. Mums and dads must have the last say on whether their children have got gay and lesbian tendencies.”