we don’t know how lucky we are!
afraid of going out to the car and driving down the street? worried about people *reading* you when you are out? scared about what the shop assistant might say or do when you want to try on that dress?
at least we don’t face the prospect of a public lashing (although i suspect there are some out there who wouldn’t mind a little …). life in saudi ain’t no hello and howdy (from the daily telegraph – that staunch champion of transgender rights):
SIXTY-seven Filipino men working in Saudi Arabia face jail and lashes for “imitating women” after being arrested at a party in which a number were dressed in drag, a Philippines embassy official said.
Riyadh police arrested all 67 men at a private party and drag show in a resort villa near Riyadh on June 13, Philippines embassy Vice Consul Roussel Reyes said.
“They had alcohol and some were dressed up like women,” he said.
Both drinking and cross-dressing are forbidden under Saudi Arabia’s conservative Islam-based sharia laws, and both could bring up to six months in prison and lashes.
None were charged with homosexual acts, a much more serious charge under Saudi law, Reyes said.
The men have all been released to their employers while formal charges are drawn up, he added.
About one million Filipinos work in Saudi Arabia.
http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,25668147-5012895,00.htmle philippines is the place to hang out!
looks like the philippines is the one place to hang out!