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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Crossdressing wearing a skirt without wearing a skirt

  • Anonymous

    27/09/2007 at 10:12 am

    Hi I wear a sarong a lot when going out to check on my mail. the neighbours see me but do not take much notice . so it works well .I think if i were to go out in a dress or skirt they may turn there heads for a second look , but in a serong its cool nobody cares. A great invention the serong , & in many overseas countrys men wear serongs on a daily basis it part of there clothing.
    regards darlene

  • Anonymous

    28/09/2007 at 12:50 am

    It would be really good if men wore kilts or similar more !
    At present I think you can do so in areas like Newtown with out raising an eyelid .In other areas except Darlo . perhaps not . A hefty scotsman or Islander can get away with it in any area I feel, but it has to look traditional .try to team a kilt with a non tradiotional top and you may get some stares …
    Its tim for men to wear other that trousers ! God knows how long we have been confined to these things, but a bit of variation in the form of kilts and sarongs etc would be welcome by me …

  • Anonymous

    28/09/2007 at 1:21 am

    I have lived in Malaysia and was introduced to the sarong there
    I think nothing of wrapping a sarong on and going about the daily grind.
    In Malaysia and when I lived in the top end I would go anywhere and almost everywhere in a sarong.

  • Anonymous

    01/10/2007 at 9:32 pm

    When I was at primary school in what was a rural area then I had no access to anything. Old shorts were cut and the loose bits I sewed together to make a skirt which I hid of course. I would wear it when my parents were out [only child] in a rural area of bush, dams and lagoons. There was no one to the back of us for miles. I used to walk in the bush and played with barge type boats on the lagoon in total privacy in my skirt. As mum did a lot of sewing I learned from her how to mend clothes. I went as far as making a bag to fit me and cut out for the arms and head.
    Coming back to me I thought that a particular design with velcro can undo shorts into a skirt and back again in seconds.
    I will leave you with that thought


  • Anonymous

    09/12/2007 at 3:19 pm

    You left our Ewan McGreggor who wears a kilt! Gosh it was on the page that the big article cane from!

    I dn’t think I like a sarong personally. Not my thing really.

    However we’ve been staying in Sydney in a camping ground and recently for two days I didn’t get time to shave (sigh) not thinking “boy mode” I popped on a very short black skirt and a tight top and went to the ammenities block.

    Yep – as they say in the UK – queerfucked.

    Only people to comment were really nice and we ended up talking for hours! They said they had seen me coming and going over the previous few days, one moment they saw a woman, the next a guy and it took them a while to realise it was the same person :)

    I rarely do a boy mode these days – only when I need good clothing protection whilst sorting our things in storage and it’s a bit hard to climbon buckets and boxes in heels! It’s also sometimes quicker to go boy mode – whcih might explain why ggs’ wear mens clothing from time to time.

    But I agree, a nice skirt is a hell of a lot more comfortable, especialy when you are in a drivers seat all day, than shorts or pants.

  • Sara_Capital

    10/12/2007 at 12:58 pm

    Don’t have anything to add to this except to say that “unbifurcated” is possibly the best word ever! Put that one down in your next scrabble game! Triple word score right there!

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