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  • What do your kids call you in public?

    Posted by Anonymous on 05/08/2008 at 7:24 am

    I count myself lucky to have 5 beautiful children. Brought up in conversation recently was how our children address us and what they call us in public. My kids range from one extreme to the other in the way they do so. 2 call me Mari, one calls me Da, the 2 youngest still use Dad, and all the ways they use are cool. I love that I was able to father 3 of them before my sperm count dropped to zero, and blessed to be considered parent to the other two, who arent related by blood to me at all.

    I will admit to sometimes being made to feel uncomfortable by the stares I sometimes receive when loudly called ‘Dad’ but I have always owned my past and the children are the only good things to have come from my marriage to their mother.

    As you can probably guess, stealth is out of the question. C’est la vie…

    I would be interested in hearing about other TR members experiences.

    Anonymous replied 14 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Anonymous

    06/08/2008 at 10:53 am

    My 18 year old son calls me Karen occasionally when he being cheeky.

  • Anonymous

    07/08/2008 at 12:44 am

    I have 2 kids, 7 and 3 yrs old. They both call me Dad. Obviously, this can create funny situations when out shopping, for example. However, I am of the view that they should call me whatever they feel comfortable with. I don’t believe they should have alternative names foistered upon them. My transness is my issue, and not theirs.

    I’m proud to be their dad. But I’m not their mother (I was there at the births, and I reckon my partner has well and truly earned that title.) If they want to call me Simone or whatever when they grow older, that will be fine too. It is my job as a parent to provide unconditional support and love. Coping with uncomfortable or funny situations is part of the job.


  • Anonymous

    08/08/2008 at 6:03 am

    Hi Mari,my daughter calls me dad whenever we’re together,either at home or out and about,and she will always be the only one that I will accept being called a masculine term for the rest of my family,they will have to learn to call me by the right name as it is my legal name,whether they like it or not.selfish,perhaps,but thats just the way things have to be.

  • Anonymous

    13/08/2008 at 7:47 am

    I have 4 Children and 2 of them now call me Olivia and the other 2 well I have this funny feeling that they will never come around so I am greatful for having having four beautiful children and even more so that 2 have finally accepted me
    To all out there never give up
    Bye for now
    Love Olivia

  • Anonymous

    11/01/2009 at 9:00 am

    Even though I don’t have kids of my own, I am still a member of a close knit family. My two second cousins [10 and 6 years] who met me for the first time between Xmas 08 and NYE. decided that they wanted to call me “Rosie”. Must be the hair colour I guess! Seriously though, I respect my family so much and I don’t mind what these two girls call me or the rest of the family for that matter either.

    Peta A.

  • Anonymous

    08/08/2010 at 10:36 am

    I have 3 daughters, the eldest at this stage wants nothing more to do with me. The other 2 younger (5 and 10) adore me.
    When shopping, I ask that they call me Libby so as to avoid embarrasement to themselves rather than myself.
    They both forget constantly, mostly calling loudly “Dad…sorry…Libby”. Lol.
    Im at the point of giving up and letting them call me what they like in public as I sometimes think my response is what people observe more than what my kids call me
    Funny enough, they always seem to call me Libby when Im at home and there is nobody else in earshot. Lol
    Whatever the case, fundamentally, I will always be their dad.

  • Anonymous

    08/08/2010 at 11:29 am


    Im our 3 grown up adults Father Kaylyn 31. Nathan 34 . Cliff 35. & yes im thier Dad & they call me Dad , & why would i wont to change that.

    we have 8 grand kids under 12 & yes its Grand dad. same again thats what ill allways be,

    Dejarn calls me granddad were ever we go & yes some funnys storys can be told .
    I said to her you call me what ever you wont to & the same for the others .

    Jos calls me noel or no e , & has done for 37 years & some of our friends do & allways will. our new friends know my past & call me noeleena .
    & really there is no problem at all for me . & no-el is my birth name


  • bee

    08/08/2010 at 11:45 pm

    The Scene:
    At the Clothes Department of Target…

    Your daughter shouts to you over the aisles

    “Hey Dad! Come here! I think this dress will really suit you!”…


  • Anonymous

    09/08/2010 at 4:23 am

    My son calls me Dad at home which is fine :)

    The first time he went out with me as female in public he did yell out to me Dad. I nearly died with embarrassment.

    He has since learnt and now calls me Anth in public

    My Mother went out with me in public for the first time a fortnight back. We went to the a club with some of her friends, she constantly called me by my previous male name in front of the person serving and refereed to me as he and him to her friends. I kept correcting her. It was not pleasant but at least she does come out with me now. :)