TgR Wall › Forums › Our Journeys › Coming Out › What if?
Guest21/08/2017 at 6:26 amHi Fay
Thanks for your comments ( and also to the other ladies who have responded)
I found the timing quite delicate because each time I had made my own commitment to raise the subject, some other domestic matter was getting aired in their respective households. Fortunately both kids had periods of relative calm (LOL) when I was able to have my discussions.
I imagine that a resident 18yo would be having her own busy time.
Truly wish you the best with finding the right moment.
Bree -
This thread is in dire danger of morphing into yet another thread on successes/failures of telling/not telling people.
But that wasn’t what the original thread was about.
Anyone want to resurrect the original discussion about “what if”? Or has it run its full course. -
Deleted User
Deleted User21/08/2017 at 6:55 amAdrian wrote:Anyone want to resurrect the original discussion about “what if”? Or has it run its full course.It seems that such is the case Adrian.
Guest21/08/2017 at 11:40 amMany apologies for having contributed to “morphing” the topic. Naively thought folks might be interested.
Suitably chastised. Definitely won’t happen again!!