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What separates a “transsexual” a crossdresser? va
Anonymous replied 12 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 19 Replies
Guest25/11/2007 at 3:42 amQuote:Ah, the wiff of controversy… just to throw a spanner in, while I am firmly of the opinion that we have the ” right” to SRS if it is deemed appropriate, I was confused and challenged when I saw a Doco early this year about people who had a strong conviction that they should only have 3 limbs { I kid you not} and were in emotional turmoil, dare I say Disphoria , about the fact that they had 4. One man eventually managed to deliberately mangle his leg so severely that it had to be amputated and expressed great relief that he now felt ” whole”.
This , as I say, challenged my opinion as it has close elements to the TS situation. I still am not sure what I think about the whole thing even though I have often pondered it . What do others think?I find this common attitude that “it must be removed to make me feel whole” is silly. It’s all cosmetic at the end of the day. If you have a blue car does it rive any different to the red or white one? Sure a white one might be cooler in summer under the sun, but they drive the same.
I’ve been full time since I came out, which was after many years of not even expressing my feminine self, so it’s all been very quick for me. But I don’t feel “unwhole” or “weird” because I have bits below rather than up top.
Sure I’d love nice B/C cup boobies that are natural, and I’d like a smoother less dangly pelvic region, but these things neither make or break me.
My mind and my attitude towards myself is what is most important.
I can dress in a dress and forget to shave my face – and use the excuse that I’m having a hormone burst
I kinda like my itersexed self to be honest. But I am releieved that I no longer have to be what people (parents and relatives from the past) wanted me to beleive I am, over who I really am.
Guest28/11/2007 at 9:27 pmHi all
I think this is my 2nd post!Thanks so much for this thread! I’m stuggling a bit with identity too.
Quote:And just as you think you have a handle on it you change a bit moreAmen!! Fairly recently I’ve become accepting of my gender identity. I had a long hard road to come to terms with sexuality, but left Sarah in the closet until the past year or so. Only now am I telling friends about me.
So, I get to a happy place. En Homme, I feel good and when I get home, I express my feminity. Great!!
I have transitioned a little I guess. I get my legs waxed and have plucked my eyebrows (though I leave them a little thick so as to not attract attention). That doesnt make me TS does it? My persistent stubble growth bothers me and I hate shaving, but wanting laser therepay doesnt make me TS does it?
But then, I have some blows in my career which gets me pretty down (happens to us all I guess). All of a sudden I’m fantasising about having real breasts, not content with only being able to express Sarah at home and wishing I lived in a major city (NEVER thought I’d want that!) so it was easier to go out and live as a CD/TS in a more full time way
Right now, if I was on a desert island, I think I’d look at transitioning. Well to some (unknown at this point) extent, becuase it wouldnt matter to anyone else but me. No barriers (well obviously there’d be some significant barriers but I’m speaking hypothetically)
Well, I dont know if I have a point to make here; at least I’m not making it very well!
The thought of transitioning scares the crap out of me on a whole range of levels. So I guess (it’s only now occurring to me!) the point is that I’m again questioning who I am and who I see in the mirror maybe isn’t me.. but I’m not sure… and it’s bloody scary (to me)
Not much of a point (in a debate sense) so sorry about that but THANKYOU all for this thread and this site
no matter where you go, there you are -
Guest30/05/2012 at 12:28 amHi girls, I dressed in my youth not only for the sexual arousing factor but also it felt extremly relaxing.
now as I turned fifty I am desperate to transition, the sexual side has become secondary. Probably due to the natural decline in testostorone and becoming more feminine in appearance i.e breast growth, softening of skin. I actually love the feeling and the way I look. It seems natural to complete the process.
Quote:My thoughts are that the questions you asked were hijacking the thread which was about
“What is being transsexual (M2F) really about? What separates a “transsexual” a crossdresser? Are they really so distinct? “So I’ve deleted the off topic question(s) at the end. Please feel free to start a new thread about any new subjects (or even old ones) as it is much easier to merge threads than it is to split them.
:OH -
Guest31/05/2012 at 11:56 amI am experiencing and have observed the following.
If you are CD you get a “thrill” from dressing and presenting as a woman and being accepted as a woman. This, of course, varies from person to person. It may be as little as wearing panties under your clothes to going out and “passing” as a woman.
If you are “trans”, you go through a cycle where you become aware of the realisation you are physically incorrect. Now this may happen when you are young or when you get older. For us oldies, this feeling may have been niggling at the back of our minds while “entertaining” ourselves by dressing. For “trans” people, being CD is a part of the journey.
The main difference as far as I can see is that the “trans” person actually suffers when going back to the birth gender role. I suppose this is like the people you mentioned who think having four limbs is a deformity. Except that being “trans” is not about just cutting off the offending appendage. It is about how you relate in society and how others see you.
I used to think about the “desert island” situation. Would it make any difference to me if I was all alone on an island and there were no other people around? I used to think I was already isolated from the rest of the world anyway. I spent years getting by by already thinking that in my mind. My gender expression is dictated by my place in society. “I” fit in better now that “I” am a woman. Society accepted me batter as a “man”. But, I no longer suffer from angst. Being on a desert island I would not have had the facilities to correct my anatomy. But the need to change my physiology would not have been as strong either.
Either way, I would be a lot happier being stranded on a desert isand now.