Where to get clip-on earings
Quote:clip-ons hurt so I got my ears done 4 weeks ago when on holidays. I was quite worried about what other people, epecially at work, would say. In the end I thought “stuff it” and just did itI have one ear pierced because as a bloke I like it that way. I don’t really want both done, and since I spend 95% of my time as a bloke (and happily so) that takes priority for me. So I wear clip-ons as Rachel. I might get the other ear done one day, but not at the moment.
In the UK Claire’s Accessories does a good selection; I haven’t found the Aussie equivalent yet. I picked up a nice vintage pair the other day as well; pierced ears are a relatively new phenomenon in terms of frequency, so clip-ons were more common in days gone by.
I have some adapters to use pierced ear-rings as clip-ons, and have used them with mixed success*. Look for finings on e-Bay, or you may be able to pick them up in a jewellery/accessory shop.
*I once wore a pair of pierced ear-rings where I used an adapter on one ear and my piercing on the other. Worked OK, but then they were big Indian syle ear-rings (the style that has a chain in your hair to support the weight) that covered most of the ear-lobe.