Who are you really and who is to judge?
I am currently reading a biography of the famous American Indian writer and early conservationist, Grey Owl who lived in Canada in the early 1900’s. He is interesting in the fact that at the time of his death in the late 1930’s after he had become famous through his books on conservation and his World lecture tours, it was revealed that his real name was Archibald Bellany , born in England and totally English in his racial background.
What is interesting I think ( and relevant to us ) is that for all his life he tried to be an Indian , learning the bushcraft and skills he would need, reading all he could about these people and training his will to live the life when he finally had the chance. At age 17 , he went to Canada and within a year , he was passing himself off as a part Indian ( part Scottish ) and his skills were such that few doubted him , even his wife. The Ojibway people accepted him as one of their kind and he lived that life until he died.It occurs to me that he really was an Indian from an early age as he saw himself that way , lived that way and was accepted by that Community as one of their own ( though in fact they knew he was not Indian genetically.) Many Aboriginal people are part European genetically and yet think of themselves ( identify) and are accepted in that community as Aboriginal despite outward signs to the contrary.
I think that self identity is the crux of the issue here.
I wonder then what makes us ” real ” and where we draw lines and who is to judge? All relevant to the transgender experience I think. What about your thoughts?