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TgR Wall Forums Media-Watch Transgender Media Yahoo email TV advert

  • Yahoo email TV advert

    Posted by Anonymous on 26/01/2008 at 11:16 pm

    I wonder how many have seen the new Yahoo television ad. It’s one of a series. It features a middle aged guy – and if I was forced to typecast him I’d say a falsely prudish sleazy church warden. Or as Peter Ustinov was once directed when he asked the question how should I play his partin Quo Vadis – ‘he’s a guy who plays with himself nights’.

    The dialogue is basically about opening an email titled ‘brunette busty….ladyboy just his wife enters from behind’

    I wonder what you thought aboiut the advert? Did it touch a nerve? Are you offended by it? Do you see it as a step forward that tranny porn is becoming mainstream? Or a further effort by the media to present transgenders in a negative salacious way.

    Fiona xx

    Anonymous replied 16 years, 11 months ago 0 Member · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Anonymous

    28/01/2008 at 6:59 am

    ive seen the add, a few times, but never got the connection.
    as just a guy in a skirt, (part time girl), and being a very easygoing,open minded person, i didnt take offense.
    if the cpl , were a gay cpl, and the email was about a sexy naked fem, would one complain about that.
    there are lots of adds that could be said to be “not in good taste”
    i ,as most of us
    dont class ourself as ” brunette busty….ladyboys”
    i dont say much here, so thats my bit.


  • Anonymous

    28/01/2008 at 9:14 am

    I’ve just watched the clip as well, and found it quite humerous, which I suppose was the intended reaction.

    For those who haven’t seen it, it has been posted on YouTube


  • Anonymous

    28/01/2008 at 12:02 pm

    well, i try to be light and up beat about life, and as you can see from the scientific survey that has been very popular on this site, being at peace with our femme side is something that we all struggle with. it’s not an easy journey.

    and i suspect that the negative portrayal of transgenderism by the media doesn’t make it any easier to break down fairly resistant cultural values that don’t exactly support boys being girls or even dressing like girls.

    so does this yahoo ad, even if it is mildly humorous help in breaking down these prejudices? i’ll let you be the judge. but when you watch it on you tube, when it finishes, you’ll see that the next clip is called tiffany’s boy to girl transformation. it seems to be a typical story of change, probably something similar to what we have all been through in one way or another. the song – annie lennox’s “why?” – beautiful and appropriate.

    compare the two clips and think about which one is more sensitive to our plight.

    well … as usual … that’s my $0.10 worth …

  • Anonymous

    28/01/2008 at 11:59 pm

    I can see why it would cause concern, as usual the media take the easy way out in advertising, but I did think it funny and after all there is a lot of porn like that, (so I’m told, honest).
    There’s another one, a guy goes to his parents and announces he’s gay.
    They hold hands, smile at each other, sigh then announce, “So are we”.

  • Anonymous

    12/02/2008 at 11:18 am

    Thank you for your responses.

    I wasn’t particularly offended by the advert myself but I do find it interesting that more and more transgender incidents are turning up on the media. Most, if not all, are on the fringes – and most are still on the negative side. While I’m sure none of us label ourselves ‘lady-boys’ I doubt the great general public see much difference in sleaze level between lady-boy and tranny. I’m not really sure that transexual or transvestite have a very much more positive image in the public’s mind. Transgender probably does.

    The new US drama on 7 – ‘Dirty Sexy Money’ features Candis Cayne as the transsexual lover of Patrick Darling, the William Baldwin character. A LGBT website proclaims this as a break through role for transgenders on television and I’m sure it will be in many ways. But I think a quote from the first episode that ‘she’s more of a man than you’ – kind of puts it in the Jerry Springer tabloid category. It will be interesting to see how this character develops.

    To me the breakthrough will be when a transsexual plays a mainstream character. A doctor or nurse on ‘All Saints’ or ‘ER’ or a cop on ‘CSI’. Or a major character in a drama is a transvestite and I know there was such a character on the country ABC soap/drama the name of which escapes me at the moment. But the series didn’t rate or last.

    Fiona xx

  • Anonymous

    12/02/2008 at 10:40 pm

    There’s a soap in the U.K. I’m sure most have heard of it, Coronation Street, they had a Transexual character in the 80’s.
    As usual, it was a girl pretending to be a guy who became a girl. I look forward to the time when a guy actually portrays a transexual

    Thank you for your responses.
    To me the breakthrough will be when a transsexual plays a mainstream character. A doctor or nurse on ‘All Saints’ or ‘ER’ or a cop on ‘CSI’. Or a major character in a drama is a transvestite and I know there was such a
    Fiona xx
  • Anonymous

    12/02/2008 at 11:41 pm
    As usual, it was a girl pretending to be a guy who became a girl. I look forward to the time when a guy actually portrays a transexual

    Well in this case a transexual is playing a transexual. The beautiful Candis Cayne is the real deal with quite a bit of career history – and maybe that’s the breakthrough.

    Fiona xx

  • Anonymous

    13/02/2008 at 12:34 am

    Well, I do stand corrected with great pleasure also, thank you Fiona. I had never actually seen the episode and I am afraid I was guilty of making an assumption. Horrors!

    Well in this case a transexual is playing a transexual. The beautiful Candis Cayne is the real deal with quite a bit of career history – and maybe that’s the breakthrough.
    Fiona xx
  • Anonymous

    13/02/2008 at 3:05 am

    I saw the episode [well half saw the episode] but I’d never heard of her before that.

    But according to the wikipedia article on her, she is, indeed, the first transexual to play a transexual on prime time TV. Her character is called Carmelita.

    Fiona xx


    Well, I do stand corrected with great pleasure also, thank you Fiona. I had never actually seen the episode and I am afraid I was guilty of making an assumption. Horrors!