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TgR Wall Forums Our Journeys Coming Out You never know who might also be in the queue

  • You never know who might also be in the queue

    Posted by Adrian on 28/09/2013 at 1:53 am

    Like many other members I’ve grown up with what I call a social apartheid – my friends are split between those “who know” and those who don’t.
    But it is an apatheid that is apparently no longer necessary and a division that constrains our life.
    So it has to go!
    I have never believed in thrusting my diversity on others – the quest for acceptance isn’t best served by shock and confusion.
    So I’ve been dropping the barriers a bit, styling my hair, and letting natural curiosity and seeded conversations do the rest.

    But sometimes things can take an unexpected and unplanned course – and last Wednesday night was an example.

    Wednesday was the 10th anniversary of Art After Hours at the NSW Art Gallery – always a comfortable venue for a display of gender diversity.
    But the special event had a dress prize (best 1930’s outfits) – so my partner Megan and I glammed up with plenty of pearls.

    On arrival we joined the long queue to buy special tickets – and to our surprise the next people to join the queue were known to us.
    Very well known in fact – behind us was Marie, a close friend for over 25 years, and her adult daughter (who grew up with my daughter Annabel).
    This situation is the making of many a transgender phobia – “what will I do if I see someone I know?”.
    But the reality was impossible to avoid – we just turned round and expressed the usual pleasant surprise of running unexpectedly into someone you know well.

    There was no moment of confusion, no hesitation, no embarrassment. To be honest I couldn’t detect anything awkward about the situation.
    After buying our tickets we went our separate ways – running into each other periodically – including once in the ladies toilets!

    The next day we received an email – which ended with a note to me

    You looked really lovely. Very sincerely meant. Was that your maiden outing or is the new you for “public” consumption? If not the latter, I will be most discreet.

    So I wrote back, explaining that, although unknown to her, my gender diversity has always been a fact of my, and our family’s, life. As I put it

    it was really just “me” you met last night not a “new me” just perhaps new to you!

    I’d like to share Marie’s response as it perhaps sums up the pointlessness of hiding what does not need to be hidden:

    Dear glamorous one,

    What a beautiful email. Many thanks.

    You have no problems with me. I’m not easily shocked … nor is my understanding daughter.
    And what a Rhodean distance you’ve been straddling and with such poise, too … you Colossus.

    I, too, join with Megan and Annabel in supporting and respecting who and what you are.
    I love your mind, your wit, your nautical knowledge and great musicianship … whether clad in a skirt or trousers is an irrelevance.

    I’m sure you bring great sensitivity and help to the support group you’ve founded. Well done.

    Every HAPPINESS in the role that gives you comfort and psychological confidence.

    P.S. And the highest possible commendation to Megan and Annabel.

    Anonymous replied 11 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Anonymous

    28/09/2013 at 7:48 am

    Hello Amanda,

    What a wonderful story and many thanks for sharing it. To have friends that are so accepting and non judgemental is very precious and how I envy you for it. It goes to show though, that there must be many like your friends that, if given the chance, would have similar views if only we revealed ourselves to them… but alas, there is the genie problem! Once out there is no knowing what mischief he or is it she, may cause.


  • Carol

    28/09/2013 at 9:54 pm

    Thank you Amanda. I really needed a positive story this week and you’ve delivered a beauty.

  • Jan_Wilson

    29/09/2013 at 1:02 pm

    Great positive story Amanda.

    BTW how did the dress prize turn out?

  • Adrian

    29/09/2013 at 10:37 pm
    BTW how did the dress prize turn out?

    My friends daughter won a prize for her black retro tasseled dress, headband, and antique clutch bag….she looked far more 1920’s than we did. My prize was acceptance – worth a lot more than a couple of free tickets!

  • Josephine_connor

    30/09/2013 at 1:48 am

    Thank you for sharing Amanda, Your Friends are very accepting and understanding of others and we could all take heart from this.
    I found it a very moving story.

  • Anonymous

    30/09/2013 at 5:55 am

    What a wonderful experience for you Amanda. It’s really great that you shared the whole story with all of us. It just goes to show, sometimes we’re never sure about what kind of expression we are going to get from people we have know. I also love the fact, the chance meeting extended over a couple of generations and that accepting viewpoints and behaviour is transgressing over several age groups.


  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    30/09/2013 at 12:49 pm

    What a lovely story. Hope to have experienced one like that some time.

  • Anonymous

    30/09/2013 at 2:43 pm

    Lovely story of acceptance and understanding,waiting for the day when I come out to my philosophy major daughter.We have always been close and she always calls me a big softy,just have to get up the bottle to tell her.She will probably say;
    “I know Dad.” Incidentally the word “Apartheid” is the Dutch/Afrikaans/Flemish term for segregation,In English; Apart Hood,as opposed to Neighborhood.An inclusive community.