Forum Replies Created
Over the years I have come to recognise a number of view points that invariably trigger vigorous debate at the best, and divisive destructive behaviour at the worst. Interestingly this thread starts from a position taken by Ray Blanchard that appears to embrace two of these flash points.
So it comes as no surprise to me that this thread has been very active, and I commend those involved for not descending into negative territory.The flash points?
1) View points that link sexuality with gender.
The terms used to describe sexual orientation (gay, lesbian, BDSM, etc) have no relationship with the position of people on the gender spectrum. I say this not from scientific evidence but from simple observation. Knowing that someone perceives themselves as being in a lesbian relationship does not define their gender – it defines their sex and sexual preferences. So when Blanchard attempts to couple these two unrelated dimensions by claiming that a sexual orientation is related to being gender dysphoric then it is as silly as claiming that all gay men are crossdressers. Silly – and of course totally offensive to all those who do not happen to be gender dysphoric and exhibit autogynephilia. That isn’t to say that some people do not fall into this category..just like there are some gay crossdressers.2) View points that are based on a binary view of gender
Any argument that is based on the assumption that human brains must either be of male gender aspiring to be everything male, or female gender and adopting everything female is again suspect. Those who have binary genders (into which category fall most of the medical profession) seem unable or unwilling often to accept that they are a particular case rather than the norm. Blanchard steps right into this mistake by coining a definition of “men sexually aroused by the thought or image of themselves as a woman”. Blanchard is not talking about a binary physical anatomy (sex) he is talking about how people feel (brain) and as such his terminology is based on a concept that people can feel as a man or as a woman but nothing else. Along with all other definitions and classifications that assume our brains have to conform to a tidy binary definition, such a view point will cause offense to a significant number of people.Personally, for these reasons, I too find Blanchard’s views offensive – but I am happy to agree that Autogynephilia exists and indeed may be quite common in our community.
Quote:Joanne – great work – I agree with all the accolades posted.
Amanada – rebranding – does this include renaming the photo album titles in Picasa from “Tranny Radio” to “TgR ” too?
Tricky…would have to move all the pictures to a new album…
….time…Let’s say its on the “would be nice” list!
Quote:That last one was a little rough.
The animated gif not quite as nice as a Flash animation…this one better..Good…but, dare i say it… I’m actually using TgR as the site name (not TGR) to keep some continuity with the people who for years have called (and still will call) the site TR.
So any chance of a lower case g
Quote:With the move to tgr.net.au, will existing email addresses @trannyradio.com now cease to exist, or will the old domain continue to exist for mail redirection?
I’m not getting rid of the old domain… but over time it will redirect to the new domain…emphasis on “over time”. I’m certainly not about to loose the emails that come to amanda@trannyradio.com!
Quote:I have heard the current co-ordinator of Chams talking about this concept and wanting to get some ideas in action.
I think I know what you are referring to, Claire has in the past written to me making proposals.
But I am not prepared to let TgR be used a political vehicle to bind together and represent the disparate support groups in each state. I feel that any such political role would probably destroy TgR before it achieved anything of substance.I’m pretty sure Kathy is talking about liason – just cooperation between equals and opening lines of communication. If people are prepared to volunteer to build bridges in each state – then maybe we will start to act in greater harmony.
Its a grand aim – but better than perpetuating the current model where other organisations or groups are frequently seen as a potential threat and are actively discriminated against.So this isn’t about TgR trying to dominate other groups, nor is it about TgR just acting on behalf of other groups – it has to be about collaboration and communication.
Needless to say I’ll be talent spotting over the coming months…and as always I’ll listen to any suggestions. But in the end it comes down to a decision including many factors of which “do I like the music” is only one.
I just hope that next year the selected band actually makes it to the event! -
Quote:i may be getting a little senile, but if i recall correctly, the first seahorse nsw ball some ten or more years ago did not involve any live band at all (please feel free to correct me) …
yes it has been a LONG time… but I believe you will find that Phil/Julia provided live entertainment from the start – in fact I vividly recall the trumpet playing.
I’ve also listened to the few who say “cut the entertainment we don’t need it” or “just give us a DJ/disco” but the reality is you can get that sort of evening anywhere. And I wanted TF to be something different – not your usual club offering with disco.
The overwhelming feedback from the survey is that the event was good value for money (98% said that), so there is little incentive to cut corners and make the event cheaper. In fact simple economics would indicate that a lower ticket price would even increase the demand further – and as we are at capacity that just doesn’t make sense.
From my perspective the communication between TgR and other organisations is very ad hoc at the moment.
I have received a request in the past from Chams in WA to establish a more formal forum for communication.
But whilst I strongly believe in all groups working together.. I don’t think those lines of communication should all come back to Amanda in Sydney!
So there is some merit in Kathy’s suggestion.
Perhaps to progress the idea we need to suggest what the “liaison person” is going to be asked to do… and I suggest it not be made to onerous. -
The tower is out as it is not the same size…I don’t want to relay all the web site templates for a new logo.
I think Joanne has been very generous in providing some ideas.
But I think any more ideas, if we need them, should come from others who have the skills and creativity to create suitable artworks. -
Well I still like the first one…but will bow to popular opinion if others prefer the simpler No 3.
Wow – what talent there is in our membership!!
Now could someone convert Joanne’s idea into an artwork!!!
Quote:Well, written , is all I can say.
Totally agree – a pleasure to read!
Quote:walking away from discussions on labels and terminology over the past couple years because of the way they all inevitably turn into something like a shark feeding frenzy for everyone involvedNow I totally empathise! The reason I try to discourage label based wars breaking out in these forums.
Quote:How will this affect TgR ?Not at all I suggest.
Why? because TgR is not seeking to be an umbrella group embracing everyone.
Because, like it of not, this web site is NOT inclusive of all parts of the community. So the labels we apply to TgR should reflect our membership and aims – not the community at large.Mercedes remarks that anyone who “slips into the gender binary is entitled to call themselves a man or woman, and should no longer be “required” to identify as trans in any way.” This is consistent with the fact that TgR does not offer much to those living in a binary gender.
TgR declares it is for the Gender Diverse – those who are on a journey to, or through, gender. And for those people, though it is an umbrella, TransGender as a label is arguably the best we have.
Quote:“I don’t see how I can proceed under the assumption of a single community, considering the division and rhetoric.”I feel the same way.
Quote:stop making assumptions about everyone else and start listening to how they define who they are, what they need and what their life experiences mean. Which means to stop assuming that everyone who isn’t exactly like us should be dismissed as “not real.” And means to stop assuming that third-sex or third-gender identification is any less valid than binary identification or that accommodation of both is irreconcilable.I’m cheering now!!!
But for now. the less said about labels in my opinion the better.
It is clear that no label is going to please everyone..
And we have better things to focus on than fighting over them. -
Quote:I see that we are up and running with the new name, not sure about the new logo though. Perhaps something a little more dignified would suit better?
I am thinking specifically about prospective new members who may be put off by the cartoon characters.Which of course brings us to the obvious question.. if anyone has the necessary technical skills to create a logo then do have a try. My only requirements is that it has the letters T G and R…and has some reference to a radio.
Do I need to start a competition?? No – I don’t have a prize!!! -
The discussion about rebranding the website sort of died last year – maybe the superficial change from TgR to TR in the content was enough for most people! I also registered the business name TransGender radio – as that seemed a popular (if verbose and cumbersome) option.
Well a year has passed…and an opportunity came my way that I have taken.
Over the coming weeks/months http://www.trannyradio.com will be phased out as the primary domain/site.
In its place you will find an identical web site with the domain nameThats right! TgR became TR… and now its becoming TgR !
I appreciate the desire for some sections of our community to have breasts without inuring the risks of HRT.
But in the absence of ANY quantitative data describing what is achievable, it is irresponsible to allow others to believe that such an outcome can be assured and encourage them to spend lots of $$$ with herbal manufacturers.I have been requesting that someone post some FACTS for 2 1/2 years now.
But in vain. The impulse to tell everyone what you are taking is obviously far stronger than the desire to be objective about what changes are happening to your body.Because I’m getting so fed up of hiding these unsubstantiated “success” stories I’m changing the rules…..
BTW I’m not on commission from any herbal supplement manufacturer