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TgR Wall Forums Transgender Radio Past-Events 2016 NSW Pollys Dance Night ” The Real Housewives of Marrickville”

  • 2016 NSW Pollys Dance Night ” The Real Housewives of Marrickville”

    Posted by Deleted User on 25/07/2016 at 11:22 am

    It was a cold night to go out BUT 10 of us attended this event and I think the consensus was that we all had a great time . It was a sell out night in terms of spaces at tables and I’d estimate at least 200 people attended and the group was quite diverse. gays, lesbians, trans and ambiguous
    I cant think of a better place to go for a great dance venue at such LOW cost and a pretty good stage show.

    The photos on this link will give you a good impression.
    The next event is in September so I will post details . Its well worth going to and mix with a fun group of people.


    Deleted User replied 8 years, 6 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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  • Kayh

    25/07/2016 at 11:55 pm

    Thanks for organising Caroline. I do believe you are correct in your assertion that we all had a good time. I still can’t believe that Kristen did not win a prize for her perfectly gordy animal print ensemble covering most of the big african game.
    I think the attendance would have been much greater than 200 though judging by the packed dance floor.

    Regardless a good time was had :cheer:

    • Deleted User

      Deleted User
      15/07/2016 at 10:34 am

      Well just in case it might persuade others to come along I now know of least six other TgR members who are coming along to this event

      You can still join the group if you wish! I will be there about 8pm and a table is booked under my name if you happen to arrive earlier.
      You just need to pay your $25 on entry
