A Journey of the Inner Woman
I never thought it would go indefinitely, even as a child I presumed as I aged it would no longer appeal. Surely not, I would say to myself in my childhood brain, but I was wrong, very wrong, it would progress throughout life. That’s the reason I don’t believe in a deity, who controls everything with love; its just not possible. What would be the ulterior motive. I know from experience because I to was eighteen at one time in life. But what I learned at eighteen partially became the foundation for my life experience making me what I am today.
I cannot put a year in particular that formed the ground work for what was to follow which reinforces the notion that is inherent, in the genes. A wrong turn in the process of hormone influence? a disgusting habit? Certainly the latter does not hold water according to research. The former probably, but medical science is not an exact science. Personally, I really don’t think anyone for sure, much is guess work without a definitive answer.
Almost everyone I have ever met will tell a similar story. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, however I think they are, e rarity. For example I met someone who’s experience did not commence until their adult years. Once the realisation dawned upon them it didn’t take too long before they has transitioned from male to female. Perhaps it was because the person was an exceptionally intelligent person having already earned herself a PhD.
That was an exception. I think most people do not transition until much later in life, due to an assortment of reasons. There are there those who have never transitioned and never will (me for instance). They marry, have children because it is expected to produce children. I think the pressure to conform to societal norms from parents who want grandchildren to show off without looking after them.To be continued when I’m less tired. Liz
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