A step forward or a conspiracy ?
HI all
I recently came across an article in a ‘Natural Medicine’ journal and have included the link here : http://www.naturalnews.com/032157_puberty_drugs.html
Now the journal seems to be anti anything that requires a script from my previous readings of it. The article is about how in the UK doctors can now give a drug that delays puberty so a child with GID, or under study for it, can have their puberty delayed until things ‘become clearer’.To my mind that would be an advantage where the kid is ambivalent about their gender or where its too early to intervene. We know puberty onsets earlier and earlier these days but my impression is that diagnosis is more accurate as well .The journal goes on to condem the use of the drug as another example of the phramacy /drug company lobby seeking to make more money out of gender issues .It also makes a gross mistake by confusing gender identity with sexual pr3ference. To quote them “Pharma scientists have come up with a drug to delay puberty, and they’re pushing it as a treatment for those young children who haven’t yet figured out their “gender orientation.” Yeah, I’m not making this up. So now, if your kid isn’t sure whether he’s straight, gay or bi, don’t worry! Big Pharma has a drug to confuse the poor rascal for an extended period of time…”Seems a bit of a confused commentary to me
I wish I could have taken a puberty delaying drug way back when I was a teen ! I would have had time to finish studying ,get a career started etc and get away from my parents (who were anything but tolerant of gender issues ).Transition at age 18-20 without the problems puberty brings on may well have been feasible …
Anyway, I was wondering what other girls think of this article ?
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