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  • Always look on the bright side

    Posted by Adrian on 11/06/2020 at 11:15 am

    Well COVID-19 has certainly given us plenty to think about as we all work out the new normal.
    No longer is the biggest uncertainty in our life choosing a nail varnish colour.
    If all this change starts to wear you down, then take some time off to consider some of the benefits of social distancing.

    Benefit 1: No one is allowed to come close enough to you to see that beard shadow. And they certainly aren’t going to kiss you cheek to cheek – so no more worrying about that sandpaper finish.

    Benefit 2: Think how much you can save on lipstick. When you wear a face mask no one can see your lips – so why not just go ‘au naturel’? For the full COVID experience wear your sunglasses and you can skip face makeup altogether. No more worrying if you put on too much blue eye shadow for a trip to Bunnings.

    Benefit 3: No one else has any social life – so taking the easy option and staying home to watch a movie with a take-away is the new ‘mainstream’ Saturday night.

    Benefit 4: Enjoy traveling by public transport with your own spare seat next to you for your handbag. No more squeezing up to the window to make room for a fellow passenger. Good riddance to the man-spreading suits with questionable body hygiene.

    Benefit 5: Although allowed to trade, hairdressers were considered by many a high-risk activity. So finally you can grow your hair as long as you like without people asking questions.

    It’s enough to put a smile on your face! But no one will know behind that face mask!

    Adrian replied 4 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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