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  • Anyone for hockey? My night as a Quiz Mistress

    Posted by Emma_Thorne on 04/07/2017 at 4:43 am

    As I briefly mentioned somewhere on another post, I was recently invited to be Quiz Mistress at a local hockey club’s annual Quiz Night.
    My friend Michelle, a long time GG buddy of “Bruce Wayne” who knows his dark secret, had stated that their Quiz Night’s have always been “so ****ing boring” and that now she was Social Director she wanted to jazz them up a bit hence the invitation.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    I enlisted my tg gal-pals Susan and Roxxy as assistants and, billing ourselves as The Old Spice Girls (referring more to the aftershave than the sweet popsters of yesteryear), off we went last Saturday night to spread cheer and goodwill among the less fortunate. Even though this was an adult crowd, the first problem I noticed was that there were a couple of kiddies around 14-15 years of age in the crowd which would eliminate about 70% of my somewhat “blue” jokes. The hockey club’s emblem is the Woodpecker and they call themselves the ‘Peckers so you can imagine the detrimental effect not having that gold mine to plunder was going to have on my so-called “act”. Having then been reassured by their parents that this wasn’t going to be the case as they’d heard it all before (well perhaps they really HADN’T heard it all before but they have now) we plowed on through 6 Rounds of various topics, a game of “head(s) and tails”, a “bottle toss” which additionally gave you the title of “club tosser” as well as a nice bottle of something, raffles, dancing competitions and so forth.

    The evening was supposed to start at 7.00pm and finish promptly at 11.00pm. We were still going strong well after midnight and everyone was having quite a hoot….the hostesses were getting more and more raucous as was the crowd when someone realised that their liquor licence had expired and common sense prevailed so we finished up….or so I thought. All these gorgeous young male and female hockey players asked us what we were doing for the rest of the night. Roxxy suggested that we might go into the Lotus Lounge in the city for a couple of drinks (as we were all still pretty wired up) and lo and behold we hadn’t been at the bar for 5 minutes when in piled all the “Peckers crowd and the night continued unabated until the wee small hours. What a fabulous night and a great bunch of fabulous people of all ages. They have invited us to come down to a Home Game and watch them go through their paces so we will probably do that soon….who knows we might even turn out for a game or two. I was worried about my stillettos sinking into the turf but the girls have assured me that it isn’t an issue with synthetic pitches ;)

    There was one moment at the end of the night that really touched me however and it has echoes from another recent thread on the Forum. Really early on in the night I’d noticed a very large, very hairy, older guy scowling from his seat. His table was front and centre of the stage and whilst I was not worried about him when I was up there crapping on I was certainly conscious of him watching me…and I noticed he watched Roxxy and Susan also when they were doing their bits and pieces. I asked Michelle about him and she told me he was like the club legend who has been there from the start and is a hard and fast traditionalist…for those of you who have been on a committee at any stage you know the type – they make meetings go 3 times longer than need be and put road blocks in your way just because they can. She also told me that a young hipster type in the audience with whom I’d had a bit of fun with on the microphone was his son and his pride and joy. Oh dear…

    Anyway, I’m flitting about at the end of the night grabbing my coat and bag when this guy grabs me by the arm as I’m going past. “I just wanted to say, Miss, that I haven’t laughed so much in a long time and you guys (ok, he mucked that bit up) have breathed a lot of fresh air into our club tonight. I just really wanted to thank you for that”. He held my hand for a bit and was very gentle so I gave him a hug and off he went.

    A nice moment on a nice night. We really HAVE come a long way sisters 

    Emma_Thorne replied 7 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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