Driving “en femme” , wow, over 400 views and heaps of likes
Good morning again,
I clearly remember the fun and frivolity surrounding my post about how we do up our bras and never thought another of my posts could top that.
But obviously driving “whilst wearing female clothes”, (there I did not type “en femme”, must avoid that where we can 😆 ,) has topped the bra post by a significant margin.
Guess the above proves that this topic is one that occupies much of our thoughts.
As for Caty.. well no more driving “in this manner”, (there avoided THAT phrase again 😆 ), until at least next autumn*** and in terms of “being seen” behind the wheel, the trusty ?? Commodore that broke down and started it all, will soon be replaced with another car with heavily tinted glass. So the “thrill” of someone thinking that it’s a “woman driver” behind the wheel will be gone. Not that in my experience, anyone takes any notice, they should be and almost all the time are, concentrating on the road ahead.
But a good discusssion all around and thanks to all who contributed
Happy driving dressed
*** From now through until April, I always think of a good TGR friend from WA who said, (and in her climate more so), “cross dressing is a winter sport”. At least for those of us who cannot remove all that male body hair.
Hi to all on TGR,
On the few occasions over my life I have driven a car dressed as Caty (and loved it), I have always made sure I had my track suit, male shoes and make up wipes in the car. This to allow for the fact that if anything goes wrong with the car, I could revert to “drab” very quickly.
Yes I know, the average roadside service guy and tow truckie have seen it all, but that does not allow for the stress of it all for those of us, including to a certain extent me, who would be a touch embarrassed by having to have my car looked at by a roadside serviceman or tow truckie.
Well, some two weeks ago,whilst driving on a weekday morning,with my beloved beside me in my “trusty” (sic) old Commodore, the engine died in the middle of Chapel Street Prahran.
So I was very thankful the “donk died” under “normal circumstances” and not when I was dressed as Caty. This after driving home from the City to our regional Vic home as Caty twice in 3 weeks not three months ago.Had it happened then I would have needed my back up clothes even more than had the engine died in the City. That’s simply cos I’m reasonably well known in these ‘ere parts and the gossip mill would have overrevved out of control and “done its own donk”.
Leads me to ask if anyone has had a car breakdown/accident whilst en femme
and what was the result.Regards