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TgR Wall Forums Exploring Gender Religion and gender God and Crossdressing

  • God and Crossdressing

    Posted by Deleted User on 03/01/2014 at 11:00 pm

    I am not looking for an argument and I almost didn’t make this post because I didn’t want to start anything.

    I feel like God is much bigger than how the piece of fabric I am wearing is constructed. Like seriously the creator of the universe is going to judge me based on whether I’m wearing a skirt or not.
    Am I the only one that thinks like this?

    Don’t get me wrong Religion and Christianity is pretty much screwed. Nobody has any right to decide what is ok and not. Unless you’re God.
    I suppose an apology doesn’t come close to covering it but hey maybe some of you can feel not hated by God.

    EDIT: Also while I think about it. I don’t consider crossdressing or anything trans related a sin.

    Please if you’re not gonna say anything constructive maybe just leave this thread to the rest of us who do want to have a constructive conversation.

    Adrian replied 10 years, 11 months ago 6 Members · 25 Replies
  • 25 Replies
  • Anonymous

    03/01/2014 at 11:19 pm

    As a Christian I was always taught not to judge others. I think that God would also abide by this rule until our day of reckoning. On this particular day he would judge us on way more important things than how we dress and more on they way we treat others.
    I also find that those people who take themselves down to the Cathedral every week and play good Christian are usually far from it. The Sunday christian is usually very quick to judge.
    I don’t exactly approve of the way God treats some people and as such we aren’t on talking terms. At the end of the day he made us who we are and it is how we behave that defines us. We didn’t ask to be different.

  • Anonymous

    04/01/2014 at 7:49 am


    If you look at history youll find the garments worn were very similar for every one depending on the county of cause, we our people wore Kilts and long before that 1300. its how people in western socity have been brain washed, in to beliveing skirts -dress’s are only for women , thats not the case, or ever has been, the English took on our Kilts what did they wear before then and as to pants women wore them long ago different name bloomers.

    As to regarding what we wear thats not the issue , how we treat others is of far more importaince, than a peace of cloth. and the clothes we wear dont change who we are, one can use clothes and other props to hide who we are to look like someone else or a masquerade.

    The true who we are still remains the same,


  • Anonymous

    05/01/2014 at 12:48 am

    Lifesajourney. Hi don’t recall seeing god give indorsement to any religion yet?
    or seeing gods telephone number anywhere in any of this. Ok yes hitch hikers guide to the universe forgive me.

    But as pagan myself I seen nothing but most ideas stolen of us anyway.

    I would not worry about what the so called good folk who rock up once a week who done evil the past 6 days of the week. Who come one day a week they pay a bit of cash and take some lip service. And I do mean more than one religion here. and feel they are better folk than you and me.

    Look try to relax about the issue if god did hate us he strike us all dead.

  • JaneS

    05/01/2014 at 1:31 am

    For me the question of whether it is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ for me to cross dress has nothing at all to do with religion. For reasons far to numerous to go into here, and are not relevant to a transgender forum anyway, I abandoned Christianity years ago. In the beliefs that I use to guide my life there is no consideration of attire in determining if a person is ‘good’ or otherwise. It is not an issue.

    I have a very close family member who is a very devout Christian – what I’d call a real one who genuinely follows her beliefs, yet she struggles with the incongruity of what her faith tells her is ‘evil’, an ‘abomination’ or is just plain ‘sin’ and the fact that she has a transgendered relative, a number of very close gay friends and she has met and very much enjoyed the company of other transgendered people besides me. It seems her belief in her god is a much greater challenge to her than it is to me.

    Whereas, I don’t believe there is a god so any concern about my cross dressing is purely personal and social.

  • Anonymous

    08/01/2014 at 11:05 am

    Atheist or Agnostic? I’m not sure, however I do not see there is a link to God when Cross-dressing. I have evolved from a person who wore pantihose and became terribly aroused when wearing them to a person who has gone beyond just dressing to a person who is committed to a journey and my only guidance is it that which I choose for myself, I am the only person to whom I answer and am accountable for my actions.
    The need to cross dress is genetic and to my way of thinking is not linked to any faith. Those who condemn others because they are genetically disposed to cross dressing are going against the dictum of their God who stresses the need to ‘forgive those who trespass’.

  • Anonymous

    09/01/2014 at 1:10 pm

    God will judge me unworthy if I refuse to live out the miracle of this incarnation. Yay life! I’m special!! :D :P :) :/:! :! :1 “). … £%•+!¥%@

  • Anonymous

    09/01/2014 at 3:08 pm

    If I can’t wear a pretty frock or cocktail dress and some nice heels to meet my maker in heaven then I am simply not going……….. I wouldn’t want to be seen anywhere that wouldn’t have me well dressed

  • JaneS

    09/01/2014 at 10:57 pm
    God will judge me unworthy if I refuse to live out the miracle of this incarnation.

    Now that is an approach I can certainly live with. Well said!

  • Carol

    12/01/2014 at 8:28 am

    I was doubtful about joining in on this thread. The religious are entitled to their views and as an atheist I respect their rights. I just wish they’d do me the same courtesy. Now my side have stuck their heads up, I’ll join in.
    Try reading the academic studies on who wrote the books of the Bible and when they were written for which audience. They have roughly the same validity as press releases from John Howard’s office about Iraq and boat people. The oft quoted ban on crossdressing was in fact a statement against draft dodging by pretending to be female. By all means believe in God if that suits you but all religious texts were written by fallible people of their time for an audience that understood the context. Follow the strict letter to your peril.
    PS I know I may have crossed a line and if this is deleted and I’m demoted I understand. But sometimes…

  • June

    12/01/2014 at 9:31 am

    I find it hard to understand what God has to do with cross dressing. If there is a God, and there are many “Gods” apart from the Judaeo/Christian/Muslim one, he or they have created us to be what we are. Be it Homosexual, Heterosexual, Transgender, Cross dresser, Infantilist or any other including honest or dishonest, He has created us to be what we are.

    On that assumption, if there is a God or Gods, then He or they are happy for me to wear a frock.

    The religious who rail against the variations from their heterosexual norms are merely expressing their interpretation of the relevant Bible, Talmud, Qu’ran, Taoist book or whatever, or their personal view on what they think the Creator(s) wanted. Why they should be so arrogant as to feel their view should be imposed on others is a weakness in their character and they are best ignored.

    So in my view we should accept what we are and accept that it has as much to do with religion as which football team we support.

    Enjoy wearing whatever you like and do not worry what other non-entities say.

  • Anonymous

    12/01/2014 at 7:55 pm

    Of all the posts I have read on this topic June’s summed it up for me from a serious viewpoint, Glenda got it one from the humourous side.

    I’d class myself as a non practicing Christian with a non participatory overdose of Catholicism during a marriage that lasted nearly 30 years. Recent events like Royal Commissions and their findings have only confirmed to me that religious “walking the talk” rather than “walking the walk” are two very different things.

    So MY God and I are doing just fine, thanks. He leadeth me to a fulfilling male life, but equally maketh me “lie down in a green nightie” ***and all manner of other feminine attire, if and when I have the opportunity.

    He’s not happy that I have not told my beloved about Caty and need to tell untruths about her from time to time. But He understands that the life He has allowed us both to live would be in jeopardy if she did know.
    ****Typed as Caty arose from her slumbers in summer PJ’s from Magnolia Lounge Melbourne. Gorgeous cotton prints.

    Now to Glenda’s interpretation. I’m with you Glenda…. Except that should I be wearing either of my period gowns when I meet my maker, it really means I’ve been dead for over 100 years already….

    So like you carefully made up and coiffed, heels, stockings, my best undies and probably my blue Fella H ensemble. (as per photos in my profile).

    Congrats to all posters for this most stimulating post


  • Elizabeth

    13/01/2014 at 4:43 am

    I am, at the very best Agnostic, leaning on the side of pure Athiest. Her indoors is a very strong Catholic and usually follows the doctrine of the ruling church, except for naughty priests and brothers who molest the children placed in their wondeful care. I myself was indoctrinated into the Anglican church which is basically Catholic except the priests are allowed to marry except it doesn’t prevent some liking children.
    Now the question of God and crossdressing. What the hell has some imaginary invisible friend to do with what I choose to wear? I’m sure that if there is a God she couldn’t give a damn what the hell I wear. Being the eternal agnostic and backing the question from both sides I will be in my coffin wearing my very best posh frock; the SO is well aware of my wishes and will comply. Upon presentation to God whom I predict is a beautiful and youthful looking bird I will curtsy showing my very best side. I will be accepted as one of the eternal and ruling sisterhood striking down dishonoured priests and haunting those who have slipped under the holy radar.
    Crossdressing and religon striking an inbalance, nah! if there is any conflict it’s between our own social conscious and the inflicted ruling social dogma of the day.

  • Anonymous

    14/01/2014 at 8:29 pm

    I am a christian, and I am a cross-dresser.
    That being said –
    on one hand I feel there are far more serious issues I need to be addressing in my way of living than what clothing helps me feel relaxed and “right”, and ….
    On another hand, I cannot accept the sort of responses that compare my feelings with women who wear more “masculine ” style clothing for fashion acceptable reasons. I want to show cleavage, I would love to present a smooth and shapely figure. It is more than some pieces of cloth.

    While the statements above may generate responses that I am not merely a cross-dresser—my point is
    we are part of a continuum of behaviour and attitudes. My profound belief ( and as a pastor in a reasonably traditional denomination) is that God has much more important (seriously) issues than these to help me view in perspective.

    Yes, I accept a variety of views, and I do follow a philosophical school which accepts the concept of Truth – not truths – so this is not to berate anyone, or defend my attitude. I seek to add another voice to the mix.

    Love to all
    (Yes, I mean it)


  • Anonymous

    14/01/2014 at 9:51 pm

    According to Christians God is Loving and forgiving, I really don’t think he/she minds how we dress. Loving and respecting each other is far more important than dress-code.

  • Anonymous

    15/01/2014 at 11:47 pm

    Iam a Born again Christian. My faith is that one day i will meet my maker with all my sins and imperfections. God made me this way and i believe he loves me as a Transgender/transsexual. And when judgment day comes (cause it will come) he will so and is not going to be for who I AM but what i done for him…… God gave the Devil (or whatever we call it) to rule and owned this world and really try for us girls to feel guilty or bad, i don’t believed this comes from God…..our days are counted and predestine, and God wants me to be Me Paula, and professed His Glory and Plan, That is why He lets me lived!!
    There are churches that are open to us and accept us the way we are… in Sydney….no judgement here.
    Enjoy this journey that God gives us to be Happy and content. There is only limited time and we have to make it The Best Years of Our Lives!
    Amen!!!!! lol.


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