More awkward moments!!!
And no wonder I just about wiped this one from my memory.
Early on in my CD travelling days I was befriended by a new North American client and utlimately invited to his home for dinner.
So I of course went to some trouble to buy a gift for my hosts, from memory I think it was a bottle of good Aussie wine. Trouble was, (HUGE “BBOOOOB” BBBOOOOO), I got my shopping bags a bit mixed up. Yes, the wine bottle was there but also in the bottom the bag was one of my first attempts to purchase some cheap foam falsies.
Somehow, we all got over this very “embracing” moment and I kept in contact with this couple on many a trip afterwards.
PS Hey Amanda, very clever website you have here. When I increased the fontsize on BOOB, it came up with 18 beside it. Scary that the TGR site knows my bra size…..
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