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TgR Wall Forums Media-Watch Transgender Media outrage-transphobic-tampon

  • Anonymous

    05/01/2012 at 9:54 pm

    My honest opinion is, “get over yourself”, anybody who is offended by this commercial. It’s a very competetive market. The ‘blokes’ will tune out, the sensitive female souls will look away, & a few women will have a giggle. The true gauge is whether sales increase – has it been broadcast anywhere other that NZ?

    I have no doubt the femi-nazi will take great offence, so I’m voting for the affirmative

  • Anonymous

    05/01/2012 at 11:10 pm

    Well Im in the minorety here.

    I was not offended personally by the commercial, didn’t mean much to me at all really as I could see the actor was a Drag Queen.

    However to the general public most do not know the difference between Drag Queens, Transsexuals, Crossdressers ect…… I know this for a fact as it has been suggested to me personally by well meaning people that I dress in “Drag” on more than one occasion (once by a lesbian who could not understand why I don’t “perform”) and then I have to educate them.

    Although I can see this was a commercial was featuring a Drag Queen most the viewing community will look at him/she and will lump us all ( Drag Queens, Transsexuals, Crossdressers…. ect) in the same boat, most people just don’t know the difference.

    Because of the above reasons I feel the commerical is a negative one for those TG girls out there every day living life.

    I’m pleased Libra pulled the add.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • Anonymous

    06/01/2012 at 3:06 am

    The most interesting thing about this issue (or non issue depending how you see it) is that virtually everything that has been said on either side of the argument is correct. I found it vaguely amusing, I’m not into one-upmanship so it has no great appeal for that reason. I too wondered how some para or postmenopausal women might feel about this. Good riddance they may say to tampons or surfboards, but I bet there will be a few thinking, “What! I’m no longer considered a proper woman?”

    And who’s to say the drag queen isn’t trans-gendered. I consider it unlikely that absolutely no-one out there is working as a drag queen to pay for their SRS. It’s such a double, triple, multi edged sword. Yes it’s great that the ladies’ is an ok place for a drag queen to be. But ultimately it does nothing to liberate us from the caricature displayed here-the majority of the great unwashed don’t, can’t or wont see a drag queen or hairy chested transvestite who may not consider themselves in any way female, any differently from those who are transgendered.

    I could quite believe that this ad was made with the best intentions, but it fails the stereotype test.

  • Anonymous

    06/01/2012 at 3:11 am

    Maybe I’ve lived the life of a man too long, cos I found the Ad rather amusing!!

    Never have wasted my time trying to analyse things too deeply anyway, I think most people will see it once, have a laugh, and then forget it. I might also add that it didn’t make me want to rush out and buy a pack of Tampons either.

    Hugs Pamela đŸ˜‰

  • Anonymous

    06/01/2012 at 3:33 am

    I’m with Virginia on this one – who said it far better than I can!

    What will say is that I made a complaint about the ad because I don’t believe the general viewer is educated enough to know the difference between a drag queen or any other MTF trans person. The ad set the “trans” person up as “other” and therefore open to be the butt of the joke (and, traditionally, all sorts of other less than positive stuff). To miss-quote Virginia, this is less than helpful.

    As for “real women”, the ad is again less than helpful as it confuses sex and gender. Again. At least that’s my “reality”

    The one plus, as others have noted, is that the “trans” person’s presence in the toilet was never an issue.

    Of course what no one realises (I though the drag queen may have, but alas…) is that there are uses for tampons that don’t involve vaginas at all. Who are the real women now?

  • Anonymous

    06/01/2012 at 6:36 am

    Oh – just in case you have not seen it, or a reminder if you have not seen it for a while, here is what can REALLY happen in a bathroom. Does this show how removed from reality the Libra view of the world may be (granted the Libra view is a commercial)?

    That’s you, me, and our sisters there in the picture.

    As long as this type of situation (discrimination, vilification, violence, people not assisting, collusion) prevails, no media portrayal of trans people should be published unless it is an unequivolcally positive one.

    As usual – that’s just me – think what you will.

  • Adrian

    06/01/2012 at 8:46 am
    no media portrayal of trans people should be published unless it is an unequivolcally positive one.


    Looks like I have to disagree with you – because what you are proposing to my ears is censorship of the media.
    If you are saying that no matter how we behave the media should only report about it if the message is positive. Then that is censorship.

    [ul]I am aware that there are many instances where “trans” people do not behave in public in a way that presents a positive image of us – the Libra outburst is just a case in point.
    [/ul][ul]I have personally observed transgender people acting in public in a way that could reasonably provoke others into reacting negatively.
    [/ul][ul] I’m also suspicious that in some cases what is reported as discrimination against transgenders may in fact be just part of a bigger story that is untold.
    [/ul][ul]And finally it seems that whatever image is portrayed there is always someone who takes issue with what is being portrayed.

    It is no surprise therefore that I just don’t take the line that transgenders are just misrepresented angels who deserve a better press.

    I think we have a real problem just agreeing amongst ourselves what image we think is acceptable.
    And many of us have a bigger problem learning how to behave in a positive way in society.

    I am happy for the media to portray the negative side of our community because hiding the truth is not going to help in the long run.
    If we know what the case against us looks like, maybe we can work on improving our image and so our acceptance in society.
    Its a visionary goal, but I think the alternative of rejecting everything the media says as unfair and discriminatory isn’t going to achieve much.

    As you say…

    that’s just me – think what you will.
  • Lisa_W

    06/01/2012 at 10:01 am

    I originally decided to stay out of this robust discussion. I think is is great that we can have such a debate, but now I feel I must contribute.

    It appears to have moved from the merits or demerits of the Libra ad; to how transgendered people should be portrayed in the mass media.

    We are a catholic group (if you think I am being religious – look up the meaning) & therefore how we behave & portray ourselves is going to vary greatly. Some want to blend in with the women around us others want to stand out & make a statement.

    I think that some gg’s are absolutely stylish & beautiful but others are shockers. I have the same opinion of T-girls. Should we be made to conform like a bunch of school girls – all looking, behaving & dressing the same – I think not.

    So therefore the media is going to pick up on the most sensational aspect of our behaviour. Because it sells.

    What is news worthy about a T-girl using a ladies toilet and not being assaulted or insulted? The ad in question has certainly been talked about in the transgendered community but has not rated a mention in the wider community? At least I have not seen it mentioned.

    As someone said earlier there is truth in what everyone has said. I think that we need to lighten up, accept our diversity & rejoice in our individualism.

    Every minority group feels persecuted in one way or another. Take redheads or every ethnic or religous minority. We have to expect some voyeurism from the press/media etc until we have shown ourselves to be not newsworthy ie; “normal” – what ever that means.


  • Anonymous

    07/01/2012 at 6:01 am

    From what i saw on todays weekend sunrise so many transgendered persons have complained about it that libra has actually pulled it from the tv screens.
    Seriously i saw nothing wrong with it, made myself and the better half laugh.

  • Anonymous

    08/01/2012 at 10:05 am

    Here is the reported response from Sandee Crack, the offending persom in this pulled commercial,

  • Adrian

    08/01/2012 at 10:49 am
    Here is the reported response from Sandee Crack, the offending persom in this pulled commercial,

    Yes, indeed… as Genderqueer (!/non.binary.gender) posted on Facebook the other day

    If you’re easily offended, remember that there are people might be offended by your gender expression as well, and how do we feel about that? Oh yeah, we don’t usually care too much.

    Of course it is OK and indeed our right for us to take offense,
    but do we care what Sandee feels? – no of course not!!

    I’m sorry, but I genuinely feel some sympathy for Sandee given the sort of thing transgender folk have posted on Facebook about him. We seem to be entitled to an opinion, but he is not.

    If you don’t understand just read the comments made on the blog Christina gave…

    I hate to say the obvious, but the public at large will always consider drag and transvestism to be outrageous, morally appealing and reprehensible conduct.
    If it’s not safe or otherwise possible to transition, that’s one thing. Cross dressing as a means of expression is not.
    he makes some valid points. However, he does it by being kind of a twat from white male cisgender privilege.

    I could quote more… but I find the image of gender diversity displayed by these trans-warriors sickening.

  • Anonymous

    08/01/2012 at 9:46 pm

    Ok, I complained about the ad but not for any of the reasons cited by Sandee. I have no problem with the existance of drag queens – I actually think they’re good value. I did not realise she was a drag queen when I watched the ad; I assumed she was a trans person of some description – if I can make that mistake, then I also assume the public can too.

    I don’t agree at all with the response to Sandee Amanda cited either, neither am I in favour of censorship of the media.

    Just as there are ciswomen who were fine with the ad, I know some who were offended for a range of reasons. There are a range of responses on Libra’s FB wall including a lot of ciswomen who were offended

  • Anonymous

    09/01/2012 at 5:26 am

    This Sandee Crack obviously has no feeling for anyone in the Trans community or he wouldn’t have said such hurtful things. He is no better than some of the Tranny Bashers I’ve heard over the years. He has probably done more to hurt us in one interview than any one group has in recent history.

    I for one will never give up my right to be a cross-dresser untill I can transition further, sometimes some people should just shut the %$#@ up!!!

    Hugs Pamela!!

  • Anonymous

    10/01/2012 at 4:06 am

    I’ve seen the add, read the post’s on this and other fora, read sandy crack’s “defence” of his or her involvement in the huntington post and noted her/his labeling of himself and noted the further outrage – personally i think there’s far bigger fish to fry and if we all take a step back & consider the bell curve principle then the injustices that confront us all no matter how we identify will be far more constructively addressed.

  • Anonymous

    10/01/2012 at 9:05 am

    I’ve only got one thing to say on the subject. Toughen up Princesses.

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