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  • Paying for SRS

    Posted by Anonymous on 25/02/2008 at 12:08 am

    While dealing with a serious episode of depression that got me suicidal due to finacial stress mainly i SOUGHT WAYS TO ALLEVIATTE THE FINANCIAL STRESS I AM UNDER, ALONG THE WAY
    I found that I was able to apply for release of my Superannuation money to fund medical treatment not covered by the Govenremnt.
    This required a letter from my local Gp worded the way the act requires and one from a specialist. Borth were required to put in the amount needed ,. I supplied a detailed letter exoplamning estimate of costs and needed in my case a car to get to treatment IPL SRS cost, on going psychiatrist treamtnet as beeing private i have to find app $80 a session endomologist etc. As I WRITE THIS apra HAVE AGREED TO RELEASE ACTUALLY MORE THAN i requested and i await AMP actin g on this approval.
    I am happy to email anyone wantiong further details if you wish to access funds as this is a way of alleviattign both fiancial stress and also depression through inability to get treatmenet needed

    Anonymous replied 17 years ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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