Proposal for 2015 TgR Survey
In November 2011 TransGender Radio (TgR) conducted a comprehensive survey of our membership and received over 400 responses.
At the time, this was the largest known response to a survey of gender diversity in Australia. The report provided a useful snap-shot of aspirations, challenges, health issues, and life styles among the gender diverse.The survey report can be found on-line here:
http://forum.tgr.net.au/survey/When we designed the 2011 survey we tried to capture baseline information, as well as to identify core measures likely to yield insights over time. Over 3 years have now passed, and I feel it would now be valuable to see how the gender diverse landscape has changed with time.
If there is general interest in updating the report, then I would propose that we run a survey in the coming months.
What would this mean?
Three years is long enough to forget how much work was involved in creating the survey and drafting the first report! But, as in 2011, it would only be practical with the input, review and support of a group of interested members.How might you be involved?
a) In selecting and suggesting questions. This is an area where everyone could get involved if they wish.
Look at the questions we asked in 2011. (http://forum.tgr.net.au/survey/2011Questions.pdf) . Which questions should we ask again unchanged? Which should we modify in light of the responses we got in 2011? Which questions are not worth asking again? What new questions would it be valuable to ask?
b) In answering the survey. To be valuable the survey will need a response from most members. The survey report is only as good as the responses members provide.
c) In drafting and reviewing the report. As in 2011 those with specific skills in this area would be particularly welcome to help.
So, what do people think?
Should we run a second survey?
And if so, is there any specific way you would like to help?