Quality of life
Recent discussions have made me think about, quality of life. Some of us my feel something missing as we wish to look as feminie as possible. 5 o’clock shadow effects some more than others. I wish to add links to help overcome some issues. The below link is to a after shave product for males that is said to slow facial hair growth. I thought it might assist those fully transitioning to use whilst using electroylsus and or ipl or those who cross dress. http://www.menshealth.co.uk/style/skin-care/q-can-i-slow-down-the-growth-of-my-stubble-478276. I’ve noted some comments in forums re difficulties or lack of confidence with appearance due to a masculine face. Added below is a link with tips or tricks to feminize a face. http://feminizationsecrets.com/transgender-facial-feminization/. To me quality of life assists in happiness. Being able to feminize myself in appearance makes me happier. If I can achieve my personal goal of going stealth and thus everyone assumes I was born Genetic female my quality of life improves as I don’t deal with sadly the still to many bigots who just refuse to respect us.
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