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TgR Wall Forums Partner’s and families Relationships & Partners Relationships – to stay or to go?

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    29/01/2017 at 2:03 am

    The perennial question to those who believe they are in a situation that will 1) go away when they get married and assume ‘normal’ heterosexual activities or 2)….. nope, there is no 2). At the earlier, teenage or early twenties, age we believe it is a fad or fancy we can control and it won’t affect any relationship we enter into. We are kidding ourselves, it is all consuming. The need doesn’t fade, it gets stronger and if we are lucky enough to have married someone who is strong enough to support us it gets even stronger.
    I have always said we should be honest and open with any prospective partner. Withholding information like this is really lying by deception. The prospective partner deserves to be told any truths about her future partner before they enter a committed relationship. In the end it really isn’t fair to both parties.

  • Phillippa

    29/01/2017 at 9:33 am

    Spot on. I told my wife when we started to get serious and we married. She has supported me ever since.

  • Veronica

    30/01/2017 at 12:47 am

    Ditto to that, and my wife still helps with makeup if she has time


  • Elizabeth

    30/01/2017 at 2:13 am

    Just goes to show Philippa. It’s how the situation ought to be.

  • Bridgette

    11/02/2017 at 12:00 am

    Dear Sarah
    There will be those who will say: “In all honesty you should have told her first before you had a relationship with her” and there will be those who will say, “Maybe you came to a realisation of who you were while you were in the relationship”. Either way, it gets down to being honest with yourself and knowing what you want out of life. If transitioning is what you really want to achieve, then you should start your journey as soon as you can; Otherwise you are just repressing yourself and it will end up that a lifetime was wasted.
    Some people are fortunate in finding supportive partners either during or after child raising, some people are not as kind or as understanding as you may want them to be. I firmly believe we are in a time of greater acceptance and realisation by the general public and that community attitudes are more acceptant now than what they were 10 – 15 years ago.
    Hopefully you will find your soul mate during your life’s journey

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