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TgR Wall Forums M2F Toolkit Hair & Wigs Smoothskin IPL

  • Anonymous

    30/12/2016 at 10:37 pm

    Hi Jennett,
    The IPL works by conducting heat right down to the hair root so unless hair dye goes to the root then I think you may be wasting your time….but I am sure we are all interested to hear your results anyway.
    I have had all of my dark hair IPL’d successfully except for my top lip moustache area….interestingly after numerous “zaps” the hair kept growing back. So having started electrolysis or torture treatment I the lady showed me my hair from that area. It was dark where outside the dermis but light inside so the heat wasn’t transferring down to the hair root. Consequently many needless zaps and many needless dollars handed over.
    I have been informed that only roughly 10% of the hair removed by electrolysis won’t grow back next hair growth cycle. Do you folk have similar info/ experience? It seems true as many areas have been treated and whilst thinning are still hairy.
    I have thousands of fair hair follicles left in my face and it is one of those frustrating things of transitioning….how do I grow it for two to three days for electrolysis whilst maintaining my 100% outings being myself rather than the male other me? If anyone knows of a solution please tell me as at this rate it will take years B)

    Happy New Year everyone

  • Jennett

    31/12/2016 at 12:56 am

    Hi ALana
    I actually had LOTS of facial Electroysis years ago, and the best part was the regrowth was much lighter and I could actually wax my face in big patches without it hurting.
    I know it needs to be long enough to wax and is a problem so maybe plan to do it week ends or somnetime after a few shaves.

    I actually gave the face a double zap on one side to see if that helps and will continue trying to see any difference over time.
    Seems like Dye and copper colours wont do the job as it doesnt work that way :(


  • Anonymous

    31/12/2016 at 2:43 am

    Interesting Alana, My moustache area has been the slowest to respond.. However I have noticed it much thinner and areas of no hair are appearing.. I felt I wasted money when I payed for IPL..Yes I had had some positive results, however very slow.. Being told to do it Monthly or fortnightly did not make sense.. Smoothskin advices weekly. I am very happy with my results. I just wish I had my smoothskin before my greys started growing.. I will keep using my smoothskin until I only see Greys then start Electrlysis

  • Anonymous

    02/01/2017 at 5:40 am

    IMPORTANT….I have just discovered, that you should protect your lips from exposure to IPL…Smooth skin, it is suggested you either cover the lip area with a white business card or white tape.. Our lips are high in melanin and exposure to IPL may damage it.

  • Anonymous

    07/01/2017 at 8:19 am

    sorry for the tardy reply and thank you for your response.
    I looked into all of this very carefully and as you only have one face and I have heard some stories of burns being left……the darker the hair the better the hair reduction, (and yes unfortunately i am fair), the darker the hair the less power is required to zap the hairs out. But I had some dark hair and some grey so initially the blasts were so hot the root was popping out of the skin immediately which is no good and some blemishes which have since added were left. But also if you have darker skin, such as an olive complexion or you enjoy tanning then this will reduce the heat concentration down the root and it will disperse somewhat into your surrounding skin. As there is a chance of burning I was informed that a two week wait is best for recovery before doing the same area. Also overlapping or zapping twice is very risky due to burns. This is the reason you protect your eyes and lips.

    If only I could just have IPL and not electrolysis….I call it my torture session as it is not pleasant. he top lip area is very sensitive and that is the area I chose to have done first as the rest of my face is just fair now and I can shave away the evidence :-)

    I think the most frustrating thing is the time it all takes ….so start early folks otherwise it really is a chore.

    kindest regards

  • Anonymous

    07/01/2017 at 10:14 am

    Smoothskin does offer a softer mode. They say it is less pain for. sensitive skin, however results in longer treatments.I agree Alana,start IPL early if you can.. Well before greys start.. I have got my moneys worth from my Smooth skin, however. I will require Electrolysis for my Greys..

  • Anonymous

    08/01/2017 at 8:53 am

    Just thought I would give an updated Picture of my facial hair.. This is un shaven for 24 hours.

  • Anonymous

    08/01/2017 at 8:55 am

    Recently I have used my IPL machine sometimes fortnightly, others weekly..

  • Anonymous

    12/01/2017 at 2:36 am

    Just noticed today.. After what has been frustrating recently with slow progress on my upper lip, I now have a decent sized area in the middle of my top lip that has no hair growth..My upper lip has been the slowest to respond.. If anyone is interested, I posting a picture.. You have to look hard, but it shows..It is taking much longer than I thought it would to stop the facial hair growth.. I do see continued progress however.. I am continuing to post so that anyone thinking of purchasing a home IPL unit can have an accurate guide with my experience.. Keep in mind if you are thinking of purchasing Smoothskin or any other product, results differ for everyone. I believe had I been just into puberty say age 16- 20. Smoothskins would have worked in 12 weeks. I started age 51.. Years of shaving has resulted. in more hair and thicker hair to remove..

  • Anonymous

    29/01/2017 at 9:11 am

    Just an update pic to show how my IPL is going.. Sorry for the Ugly Pic…It shows however improvement with growth reduction on my upper lip in the center. As frustrating. as it is,progress is slow on the lip but..getting their.

  • Anonymous

    10/02/2017 at 6:08 am

    After reading this thread I have just bought myself a Smoothskin IPL myself. I will start on my face this weekend but am trying to work through timing issues for my body. I just had a full body wax (for the first time) a fortnight ago and planned to have another in a few weeks just prior to Mardi Gras. I am going to give most of my body a blast with the IPL but expect that results will be mixed at best until the hairs start to grow back. In the short term I will be happy if it reduces the pain, especially when waxing my chest and stomach. And then there are the greys….

  • Anonymous

    10/02/2017 at 7:20 am

    Hi Madeline. Hope you get good results.. My opinion.. Do not expect results to show straight away, be patient and expect it to take longer than the12 weeks they say.. My experience.. You may have weeks where it seems little or no progress and others where you see good progress. I started using Smoothskin at age 51..I hope you share your journey here.

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