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TgR Wall Forums Transgender Radio Admin… The sad tale of a “deleted” post

  • The sad tale of a “deleted” post

    Posted by Adrian on 26/11/2013 at 9:48 am

    With over 17000 posts in the TgR forums there has to be some sort of order maintained. Without order the value of the forums as a rich source of information would be compromised. That is why the serious forum content is very actively moderated. It something that most appreciate, some tolerate, and a few can’t live with.

    I understand that in such a large forum it is sometimes it is hard to work out where to post. So frequently we have to move posts to increase their prospects of being found. Such moderation is time consuming and a labour of love for those involved.

    How the forums are moderated is not a secret, and most of the rules are stated in the forum help files. So it is disappointing to find that some members still are quick to accuse the moderators of doing wrong, reluctant to read the help, and slow to realise how unfair their criticism is.

    This issue sadly came to my attention again this week. A relatively new but active member started complaining in the chat room about how her forum post had been deleted.

    I was just looking at the forum and noticed AA has pulled one of my posts
    No reason given
    … nothing to be gained by questioning her over it
    .. would be nice if she found the time to email me why.

    In this case the post only had a few days “life” and had been moved to a section of the forum where members were more likely to spot it in time.
    Instead of gratitude for maximising the value of the post, the member didn’t go looking for it, and assumed incorrectly that it had been deleted.

    Spreading the message that “moderators delete forum messages” is actually quite offensive given the trouble that goes into keeping posts. We only hide (never delete) content as the last resort.

    I emailed the member to let them know how offended I was about their accusation.

    I expected an apology but instead the member justified their actions, in a very long email, by writing

    I have read my comments in the transcript many times and can see no real reason for you to take umbrage to my words. As I see it there is nothing defamatory or derogative (sic) in it. No slur on your character or your good name so your reaction does come as a surprise to me.

    It goes without saying that I was taken aback by the lack of empathy and understanding displayed. Maybe the issue was just a storm in a teacup – but nevertheless the sort of storm that TgR can do without if it is to flourish as a non-commercial volunteer organisation.

    I hope that sharing this example will encourage others to temper their criticisms ( unless of course they are well founded) and be faster to apologise if mistaken.

    Adrian replied 11 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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