transcending conventional ‘reality’
Good to see transgender developments within Buddhism – a religious tradition with many fruitful aspects for all kinds of people (not least in the practice of compassion for all beings) but whose philosophical non-realism can be problematic if it overlooks (as in some traditional forms) specific issues of gender, race and other differences in the search for ultimate transcendence. For those who are interested, Transfaith has a helpful introduction to transgender Eaatern religious developments – http://www.transfaithonline.org/explore/eastern/ – and Trans Buddhists working on making tans people visible in Buddhist spaces include the Trans Buddhist collective – https://transbuddhists.org
At the recent Transformal I was also helpfully pointed to a recent new book beautifully entitled ‘The Way of Tenderness: Awakening through Race, Sexuality and Gender’ which reflects (from a black lesbian American authors perspective) on the need for tenderness in recognising and affirming, without clinging attachment, the particularity and diversity of our ‘selves’- for more see http://zenju.org/the-way-of-tenderness/
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