TransForm is a project conceived to help those relationships where the Cis-Female in the relationship is somewhat uncomfortable with their partner expressing a Female persona either in private or in public but nevertheless has recognised that their partner has a need to Dress as a Female from time to time and/or socialise with others in the TG community.
The motivation for this project is twofold ,Firstly a post in forums made over 2 years ago on the topic of Helping our Partners. It drew several responses and clearly indicated a latent need for some attention.
Secondly , the results of surveys initiated in 2011 and again in 2017 by Adrian our webmistress indicated that there are many members who have unsupportive partners and if no attention is given to the situation, it might also cause these relationships to become strained to varying degrees and potentially damaging.It is my fervent view that this is probably avoidable in the majority of cases ,if an opportunity arises to help the TG persons partner with answers to many of the questions they no doubt have.
TGR conducted surveys of its members in 2011 and again in 2017 and the question of acceptance by partners was naturally an important question to pose.
In 2017 there were 43% of members responding they had supportive partners ,down a little from 2011.
In 2017 32% reported tolerant but not supportive partners, an improvement vs 2011.In both years, 2017 and 2011 a small number , around 6% responded saying their partners were hostile or strongly dissapproving of their activities.
In 2017 the number of respondents where the partner did not know about the TG/CD activity was fewer than in 2011 10% approx vs 14%
Conclusions ?
1. There are some relationships that will continue to struggle perhaps for a long time as a result of one person being TG.
2.There are many others where the relationship can be improved with just a little empathy and knowledge being shared.
3. Sadly , there are others where circumstances, at least at present , may not enable the TG person to reveal themselves to their partnerTransForm is aiming to help those in 2. where logically theres some better possibilties of outcomes
So,… on Sunday 2nd February at 1pm for a couple of hours or so we are aiming to have a few couples attend an Inaugural gathering to share some experiences in the company of some professional counsellors and see if we can all come away with some new insights to help us all.
The location is ACON headquarteres 414 Elizabeth st Surry Hills … a about a 5 min walk from Cental Station.
At this stage I have 4 couples who have confirmed interest so please let me know in due course if you would like to attend with your partner
Best Wishes to All