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TgR Wall Forums Transgender Radio Past-Events 2014 TransFormal

  • 2014 TransFormal

    Posted by Adrian on 03/07/2013 at 12:25 pm

    TransFormal 2013 is now behind us, a fond memory periodically refreshed by a dip into the photo DVD.

    Which, of course, brings forward the question of TransFormal 2014.
    Contrary to the views of some who were booking their 2014 rooms before the last TransFormal had started – 2014 has challenges that I have to address before rushing in with a deposit and a booking at the hotel..
    The feedback points to 2013 being the best TransFormal so far, but unfortunately it is not reproducible in its current form year after year. To be sustainable the event must cover its costs without relying on sponsors, unacknowledged voluntary effort, or cancellations. The challenge for 2014, if there is a 2014, is to provide a solid financial basis for the event continuing.

    For an event that was first conceived as just a formal dinner, TransFormal has blossomed in a different but not entirely unexpected direction. The strength of TransFormal turned out to be the opportunities it presents to learn, share and socialize over a long weekend. Residential bookings for 2 or more nights are steadily growing, the organized activities and events attract enthusiastic support, and each year guests want to stay longer and do more. It is obviously an intoxicating formula!

    The challenge is in the original centre piece of the weekend the formal. TransFormal wouldn’t be the same without the great celebration of diversity of Saturday night. But the formal is only receives strong support from those staying the entire weekend. Despite various attempts at publicity the formal has failed to attract any significant local interest. Price (and the location outside Sydney) obviously has a lot to do with this. But it does seem that the days of the grand formal night out (aka Ball) may be numbered.

    To be sustainable, TransFormal must build on strength (the weekend with its program of meals, workshops, and fun) and contain the significant costs of the Saturday night formal. And that means rethinking the original assumption of running a formal that could subsidise the other weekend costs.

    So I’ve come to the “obvious” conclusion.

    If 2014 is to happen I cannot rely on filling the Grand Dining Room with 90+ guests on Saturday night, and so the weekend ticket prices must reflect the true costs of running the event for a lower number of guests.

    But if ticket prices have to rise significantly then I also want to build in more value.

    A big thank you to those who have already suggested ideas. I’ve been talking to the hotel about things like keeping the bar open to 1am and including a casual lunch for everyone on Saturday. Moving the “lunch on the town” to Sunday will provide another opportunity to socialize as a group and from my perspective would also make it easier to schedule the workshops.

    Running the numbers through a spreadsheet I get:

    Weekend including Friday Supper, Saturday Lunch, Saturday Formal, and all workshops would end up priced in the range $180- $190 – about $40 more than this year (but with an extra meal included).

    Tickets to just the Saturday night formal (hopefully including the same great band) would have to rise a lot less – perhaps to $120.

    These numbers are of course totally rough estimates at this stage.

    So the big question before handing over a deposit.

    Is the event viable at these prices – or will people shun it as over-priced?

    Or do I just have to try to find out the answer!

    Finally can I stress this is a serious post. I know a lot of people have said very nice things about TransFormal and I’m not soliciting for further expressions of gratitude or support. I’m looking for honest opinions about the perceived value of TransFormal.

    JeniSkunk replied 11 years, 3 months ago 8 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • Anonymous

    03/07/2013 at 12:40 pm

    I think that is a fair price for a great once a year four day event and baring unforeseen events I will be there with bells on!

  • Anya

    03/07/2013 at 5:45 pm

    Bearing in mind the overall value of the weekend as unique opportunity to get to know a whole lot of wonderful people, I am very willing to pay the price suggested.

  • Jan_Wilson

    03/07/2013 at 9:38 pm


    As it is the value received in attending the Transformal weekend is immeasurable.

    Economy of scale suggest more attendees would reduce the cost per person but we seem to have reached critical mass so we must work with what we have.

    If the cost of the weekend has to rise accordingly then so be it. All things considered, travel cost, wardrobe and accessory costs and the money spent on meals etc while in Katoomba the amount you are suggesting is a small percentage of the overall weekend which would not occur at all without TF.

    Let us all budget for a little extra and look forward to great Transformal weekends in the future all thanks to your imagination, foresight and hard work.

    Also perhaps we could be a bit more diligent in encouraging our friends to attend. A lot of people I know would gain so much if they would only come along and experience TF with us.

    Regards and thanks Amanda,


  • JeniSkunk

    03/07/2013 at 11:04 pm
    Weekend including Friday Supper, Saturday Lunch, Saturday Formal, and all workshops would end up priced in the range $180- $190 – about $40 more than this year (but with an extra meal included).

    Amanda, while I have no problems with the proposed price increase to a possible $190 for the weekend, another of the proposals for 2014 raises a question.

    Moving the “lunch on the town” to Sunday will provide another opportunity to socialize as a group and from my perspective would also make it easier to schedule the workshops.

    How would the Sunday “lunch on the town” idea impact on Grand High Tea attendance?

    Another question comes to mind regarding the ticket costs:
    How much extra, per ticket, would it be to have a specific room booked for use for Formal portraits?

    I’ve been talking to the hotel about things like keeping the bar open to 1am

    Having the bar open till somewhat later would be useful, if the pattern of gathering near the bar for a late evening chat after the day’s activities contiunues.

    Contrary to the views of some who were booking their 2014 rooms before the last TransFormal had started – 2014 has challenges that I have to address before rushing in with a deposit and a booking at the hotel..

    I was offered, by the Carrington, 2 opportunities to book for 2014, well in advance.
    The first, I discussed with you in the chatroom.
    The second offer was made when I checked in this year.
    Now with those advance booking offers coming from the venue, how do we dissuade members from booking up to over a year and a quarter in advance?

    Despite various attempts at publicity the formal has failed to attract any significant local interest.

    I think I can understand why.
    Since the weekend is tied so heavily to taking place entirely inside the Carrington, it doesn’t really involve the town as a whole by the attendees and events for the weekend, so there is little value for the town in having any overall local interest.

    Jenifur Charne

  • Adrian

    04/07/2013 at 8:01 am
    another of the proposals for 2014 raises a question.

    There are lots of questions about 2014 – but sorting out the detail is 6 months off. Signing, or not signing the contract is a task for this month.
    Needless to say after such a positive feedback I would try to keep a lot of things the same, but on the other hand keep exploring new combinations to keep the concept fresh and interesting.

    Another question comes to mind regarding the ticket costs:
    How much extra, per ticket, would it be to have a specific room booked for use for Formal portraits?

    $0 – we have had one for the last couple of years as the pictures on the CD attest to.

    Now with those advance booking offers coming from the venue, how do we dissuade members from booking up to over a year and a quarter in advance?

    I have no problem with advance bookings per se – but rather with the implicit assumptions about it happening!
    By block booking all the cheaper rooms on the contract I do force those wanting to advance book the upgrade to more expensive rooms).

    there is little value for the town in having any overall local interest.

    Statistically there must be a significant transgender population in the Blue Mountains – but let’s move on and assume that they won’t attend events on their home turf.

  • JeniSkunk

    04/07/2013 at 8:17 am
    Now with those advance booking offers coming from the venue, how do we dissuade members from booking up to over a year and a quarter in advance?
    I have no problem with advance bookings per se – but rather with the implicit assumptions about it happening!
    By block booking all the cheaper rooms on the contract I do force those wanting to advance book the upgrade to more expensive rooms).

    In my own case, the assumption that there would be a TransFormal 2014, was by the venue itself on both occasions when recommending that I book my accommodation for next year, in advance.

    there is little value for the town in having any overall local interest.
    Statistically there must be a significant transgender population in the Blue Mountains – but let’s move on and assume that they won’t attend events on their home turf.

    Thanks Amanda. I had, wrongly, assumed that you were earlier talking about the general populace of the town, and its businesses, rather than the TG population of the Blue Mountains region.

    Jenifur Charne

  • Anonymous

    04/07/2013 at 8:54 am

    I was there this year for the first time and unfortunately had to leave early. I am looking forward to attending in 2014 and as has been stated by Anya and Cathy just being there and meeting others who are sharing what you are feeling and experiencing is worth more than the cost of the weekend.

    A rise in prices? Petrol seems to go up and we use that…

  • Elizabeth

    04/07/2013 at 10:04 pm

    Transformal, irrespective of the year is a joy to behold. In a lifetime of doubts, guilt, shame, challenges around being trans, Transformal shines like a beacon, beckoning all and sundry to gather at one place. Transformal is a place to meet old friends, make new friends, a place where we, for one weekend in the year can truly be ourselves, without guilt. For one weekend in the year we can thumb our noses at the unaccepting side of society and feel good about ourselves, more, we can take pride in ourselves.
    I am not forgetting the enormous of hard work that goes into organising the event, and of course the risk that it will pay for itself (with perhaps a little profit?). Let us pay a realistic price for the Transformal. If the costs are a chellenge which for many I’m aware they are, then budget for the event, save up throughout the year.
    I shall attend in 2014 along with ‘er indoors who I find is a gem of support at such events.
    Long live Transformal!

  • Jennett

    05/07/2013 at 1:00 am

    So it seems we have come to a point where we either have the Ball and a few Seminars. Or we have seminars with a Ball.
    Which is an interesting problem, and hopefully a nice one fro Amanda for a change.
    I personally find the Ball my highlight even though I couldn’t make it this year. Hint, make sure you watch ALL the funds in a divorce. :P 💡
    Many of us would agree with me but the majority enjoy the close knit community for ALL the week end and as such the mix of learn and enjoy has blossomed.
    Many in our community would never pay our prices for OUR Grand Ball so we can forget about them anyway.
    “I can go out here for nothing” being the common theme.
    But again what Amanda gives us is immeasurable and beyond even financial.
    It is the chance to mix normally amongst like folk, Stress Free! And you cant put a value on that!
    Who knows but with Gov funding a very serious Open Seminar could be held on Friday as the golf day becomes thursday.
    Food for thought.

  • Adrian

    06/07/2013 at 9:09 am
    Transformal, irrespective of the year is a joy to behold. In a lifetime of doubts, guilt, shame, challenges around being trans, Transformal shines like a beacon, beckoning all and sundry to gather at one place……

    I know I said I wasn’t looking for further expressions of gratitude or support… but what you wrote Liz was so beautiful, profound, and heart felt I can only say “thank you”. I can’t think of any better publicity for what we are trying to achieve each year in Katoomba.

    To those who are looking at this thread thinking the pricing of TransFormal is an issue but not wanting to swim against the sentiment expressed so far, please email me privately. I want to hear every voice.

  • Petra

    08/07/2013 at 12:55 am

    I was lucky enough to attend the Transformal this year and if the price goes up , so be it .
    I will still be there with bells on , its such a great weekend and like many others now i will stay longer in 2014 .
    Its worth every cent to be able to meet friends from past Transformals & make new ones for the future .

  • Anonymous

    10/07/2013 at 12:48 am

    The Transformal in my opinion has always been true value for money. I spend around $1500 for the 3 day weekend of fun and great company, plus 2 days of travel, and it is worth every cent of it.
    To me it is a short holiday spent in a stunning hotel in the middle of one of Australia’s most majestic mountain ranges, what more could you ask for.
    I could drive to Kangaroo Island which is only a couple of hours away from my home and spend $360 on a ferry charge, $330 on a hotel of equal status for 3 nights (half price accommodation) and more than $500 on petrol and food for the 3 whole days spent on the island. There would be no shopping, café life, great company, dancing, entertainment or work shops.
    I know what I would prefer to do, so look at the Transformal in a different way and spend the weekend as a short holiday with great company as I do and you can definitely see true value for money.


  • Terri_2

    10/07/2013 at 11:08 am

    I whole heartily agree with every post on this topic, I started to save for next year’s event as soon as I got home this year, if I need to put an extra couple of dollars away each week to make 2014 even better I’m very happy to do so
    look forward to seeing everyone then

  • Adrian

    25/07/2013 at 11:28 am

    Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread, who has emailed me, or talked to me personally about the “value for money” of TransFormal.

    Given the choice between
    a) no TransFormal weekend or
    b) a pricing that closer reflects the actual costs,
    there seems to be significant support for the latter.

    Of course the only way one can determine the extent of this support is to put the tickets on sale. But there seems to be enough positive sentiment out there to make it worth giving the ‘new’ sustainable TransFormal a try.

    So for 2014 the focus will shift strongly to be on the Weekend rather than just the formal. I have no doubt we can make it another unforgettable experience, or at least worth a small increase in prices. I look forward to your suggestions and support in 2014.

    Did I mention when?

    I’ve signed the contract for the weekend 16th -18th May 2014.

    Put the date in your diary!!

  • Anonymous

    14/11/2013 at 12:20 am

    Hello Amanda, I’m looking for information on Transformal 2014… read your comments about if/when/maybe etc but there appears to be nothing since or is it hiding somewhere else please?
    I also would like to add re: the evoloution of events and the numbers process… as I have had first hand experience of a very similar nature with a large group (national) of diverse people who in the 90’s and early 2000’s FLOCKED to gatherings …. but now that same group , while actually growing in membership numbers, has huge difficulty attracting more than ~50 devotees to regular gatherings. The same issues.. price, venue, presenters!, duration etc…. and one of the primary adverse factors to the gatherings is/was facebook and social media, people are getting sufficient ‘social interaction’ online!! how very sad! but thats what the research showed… it appears that only the die hard devotees attend gathering of ‘ACTUAL PEOPLE’ while many others settle for an armchair and a keyboard and virtual people….. oxo Samantha

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